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Online Review of Love | Witness the 20 years of the era, one thing and one person always care about love

2021-10-18 09:25:04   Xie Weifeng   Source: Southeast Network    Editor in charge: Sun Jinzhen

Time is the yardstick of everything, and birthday is the landmark of existence. In the late autumn of 2021, Southeast Net ushered in its 20th birthday. Looking back, the platform shows more tension and the concept is more advanced.

Twenty years ago, the media communication gradually developed from "lead and fire" to "light and electricity", Southeast Network came into being, and the West Bank Review also came on the scene, leaving its own footprints in China's online discussion. Coincidentally, Fujian is at the forefront of reform and opening up. Every time the spring tide surges, Southeast Net can feel the same feelings for the first time. The era has come at the right time, and good writing is frequently "out of the circle". Through the text layout of online reviews, the great changes in the country's macro dimensions and the pioneering work of Fujian's struggling people should be presented. The observation angles of "big" and "small" should be taken into account, and the spiral law should be found in the era of constant change - the burden on Southeast Web can be said to be very heavy. For me, who reviews creators, I am also deeply concerned about this. In the macro narrative of Fujian's development process, there is always a specific end of struggle.

In April this year, at the invitation of the editor of Southeast China. com, I wrote a manuscript for the 4th Digital China Construction Summit. This is a good opportunity for me to learn about Fujian and current events. In the process of writing, I learned from the Southeast Network that as early as October 2000, Comrade Xi Jinping, who was then the governor of Fujian Province, put forward a major strategic decision to build a "digital Fujian". After that, Fujian has promoted the construction of informatization on a large scale, taking the lead in exploring e-government, digital economy, smart society, etc., and achieved remarkable results.

After 20 years of hard work, Fujian has become the leader of the digital economy. I also wrote in the article "Digital empowerment, making high-quality development" new "with" number ":" This is also the reason why the Digital China Construction Summit has set its main venue in Fujian. "It seems that the time is just right, and the 20 years of upgrading from" Digital Fujian "to" Digital China "have passed, It is also the period when the Southeast Network grew up. It is my honor to witness this intersection point by writing an article. For me, it is a kind of "with honor". For 20 years, she has been working with the times. In her eyes, ordinary people have more power to reach people's hearts. On June 16 this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping wrote back to Comrade Liao Junbo's mother, Comrade Ji Pingying, fully affirming and praising the spirit of Liao Junbo, and gave her and her family warm wishes and encouragement. The three words "Liao Junbo" are not only well-known to Fujian people, but also well-known throughout the country. The honorific title of "Time Woodcutter" is a monument to an era.

In the process of writing a comment for the Southeast Network, Liao Junbo's sonorous words of "if you can be on the spot, you will not be at the meeting" and "the beginning is the decisive battle, and the beginning is the sprint" came into sight again, which is still impressive. In the Biography of "Time Woodcutter" and "Junbo Spirit" written for Southeastern Net, I also expressed my feelings with "struggle is the best salute to him". Frankly speaking, ordinary people like you and me don't have much opportunity to sublimate their spirit in ordinary days. The creation opportunity provided by Southeast Net is undoubtedly the key for me to have a dialogue with Liao Junbo, a pioneer of the times.

Witness the age of 20 years, one thing and one person are always close to each other. From birth, it was in its prime, but the towering trees did not grow up overnight - whether it was the construction of digital China, or the style of the era's woodcutter, every bit of Fujian's development in the past 20 years was recorded in the Southeast Network, so journalists, editors and authors formed the micro ink on the manuscripts of the time. In this rapidly changing media environment, we must go together with like-minded people, and I am honored to be one of them. As a practitioner in the transportation industry, I also pay attention to the development of Fujian railway - from the only Yingxia railway out of Fujian before, to the high-speed railway network in the forefront of the country now, the earth shaking changes have taken place in the past 20 years. I also put Fujian stories like this, which are a bridge between mountains and rivers, into the review creation of Southeast Net. With the help of the platform of Southeastern Network, I embedded my voice in the grand journey of national development. In my opinion, this is also a small fortune in life.

If you take a person's age as an analogy, then as a commentator, my relationship with Southeast Net started from its youth. Focusing on the betterment of the country and individuals is the heart of Southeast China. For me, an author who began to write commentaries after 2013, it is a way to meet a better person. 20 years is just the beginning of mutual growth and common achievements. On the road to the future, we must go hand in hand and move steadily forward. (Xie Weifeng)

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