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20 years on the scale to our beloved Southeast Network

2021-10-18 08:35:27     Source: Southeast Network    Editor in charge: Cai Xiuming

Southeast Network News on October 18 (reporter Cai Xiuming)

From 2001 to 2021, 20 years is not very long, but Southeast Network is changing with each passing day.

From 2001 to 2021, 20 years is not too short, and Southeast Network still sticks to its dream.

On October 18, Southeast Network launched a short film, "20 years on the scale". From a tiny centimeter to a distance of ten thousand miles, we measured the height of the growth of Southeast Network with simple and clear figures and quantifiable scales, the depth of the website in order to accelerate the development of media integration, and the temperature of the website's constant attention to the people's livelihood.

The inch by inch scale witnesses growth, and the inch by inch scale records history. Over the past 20 years, the Southeast Network has said too much. The 20 years on the scale are miniature and archives.

Taking Fujian as the pulse, we use Huazhang to mark the years; Ask Southeast, we use our works to move towards the future.

Come and watch the short film "20 Years on the Scale", to our beloved Southeast Network.

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