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How nice to meet you—— Southeast Network Launches the 20th Anniversary Online Celebration Topic

2021-10-18 08:35:27     Source: Southeast Network    Editor in charge: Cai Xiuming

Screenshot of the topic page

On October 18, Southeast Network (Cai Xiuming, a reporter of our website), Southeast Network is 20 years old in the twinkling of an eye. In order to further create a strong atmosphere for the 20th anniversary of online celebration, Southeast Network launched a special theme for the 20th anniversary of online celebration How nice to meet you! -- Southeast Network will start again in the new era for 20 years

The 20th anniversary is of special significance in the history of Southeast China Network. In the special topic, Southeast Net takes "Nice to meet you!" as the main line to tell the story of 20 years of growth, convey Southeast Net's news concept, and reflect Southeast Net's achievements over the years.

The topic aims to give full play to the advantages of large capacity and strong convergence of news websites. It consists of three sections, namely "Never forget for twenty years", "Witness growth" and "Online Gathering Blessings", to collect relevant reports on the 20th anniversary of the online celebration of Southeast China Network; Including friendly online media, departments, bureaus, cities, state-owned enterprises, overseas Chinese and Chinese media; Timely sort out the practical things that Southeast Net has done for the masses in the past 20 years; Gather the good voice of Fujian delivered to the world by Southeast Network; The most important news with weight, depth and temperature produced by Southeast Net in the past 20 years will be presented to readers in an intuitive way, so that the majority of netizens can review the relevant content presented by Southeast Net in the past 20 years in an all-round way.

In terms of design, the theme page adopts a simple and atmospheric style, and reflects the warm atmosphere of online celebration through bright color matching. From the heart, see in the line. On the special page, Southeast Net also invited netizens to send blessings to the website. At the same time, I sincerely thank the netizens——

"Thank you for letting me meet you!"

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