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The National Taiwan Affairs Office praised the "Ensemble" of Fujian and Taiwan villagers in the fight against the epidemic

2021-09-30 08:46:45   Liu Shenkui, Zou Xuan   Source: Southeast Network    Editor in charge: Zhou Dong

Southeast Net, September 30 (Fujian Daily) Liu Shenkui, reporter of our website, Zou Xuan )On September 29, at the regular press conference of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China, Zhu Fenglian, the spokesman, introduced the relevant information about the active participation of Taiwanese enterprises in Fujian and Taiwan in the prevention and control of the epidemic in Fujian, and affirmed that Fujian and Taiwan villagers jointly created anti epidemic songs, and used music to convey warmth, which vividly reflected the kinship between compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, whose blood is thicker than water and who help each other.

After the outbreak of the epidemic in Fujian, Taiwanese enterprises in Fujian and Taiwan have participated in the anti epidemic work in different ways, contributing love and strength, and fighting "epidemic" side by side with mainland compatriots. Among them, the anti epidemic public welfare songs such as Let Love Build a Circle jointly created by Southeastern Network and Xiamen Taiwanese Business Association, Xiamen Is Where We Are, composed by Taiwanese musicians, and Mazu created by Taiwanese in Putian, were recorded in the vivid moment of Fujian and Taiwan compatriots working together with mainland compatriots to fight against the epidemic, transmitting positive energy with music and showing the brotherhood of compatriots on both sides of the Straits.

Among them, the anti epidemic commonweal song "Let Love Build a Circle", which was co created by Southeastern Network, was also played circularly at the press conference of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China, becoming the focus of the media across the Taiwan Straits. According to statistics, so far, the cumulative viewing volume of only MV (short music film) of Let Love Build a Circle has exceeded 1 million people, and it is simultaneously broadcast on CCTV news client, People's Daily client, Tiaoyin, Kuaishou, New Fujian App and other platforms. At the same time, Hong Kong Grand Public Network, Hong Kong Wenhui Network, Taiwan "Newspaper News" Dozens of Hong Kong and Taiwan media platforms also reprinted and released relevant reports, which aroused warm responses on both sides of the Taiwan Straits.

"The song, with the theme of" Cross Straits Feelings of One Heart in the Fight against Epidemic ", vividly recorded the touching moment of fighting against epidemic together with Fujian people in Fujian and Taiwan, demonstrated the brotherly friendship of compatriots on both sides of the Straits in the fight against epidemic" with the same front, encouraging and inspiring, and believed that the epidemic would be overcome as soon as possible. "Chen Jianping, a Taiwanese musician who participated in the composition and production, said.


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