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Excellent case demonstration of "Fujian Influence" series activities: "near" employment "and" special "rural revitalization of villagers have a promising life

2020-09-08 08:06:54   Chen Nan, Li Shanshan, Lin Jie   Source: Southeast Network    Editor in charge: Lin Wenjing

The posts of road greening and cleaning undertaken by the service company in the Great Hall Village of Hui'an County basically incline to the poor families in the village. Photographed by Lin Jie, a reporter from Southeast China Net

"Decisive fight against poverty, decisive victory over a well-off society in an all-round way, Fujian footprint" and "Fujian influence" series of excellent cases show

"Near" Employment "and" Special "Prosperity of Villagers' Lives

On September 8, the Southeast Network (reporter Chen Nan, Li Shanshan, Lin Jie, correspondent Su Bingwei, Li Jiewen/photo) The implementation of the rural revitalization strategy is a major decision and deployment made at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a major historical task for the decisive battle to overcome poverty, build a well-off society in an all-round way, and build a socialist modern country in an all-round way, and a general grasp of the "three rural" work in the new era.

Recently, under the guidance of the Propaganda Department of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, sponsored by the Cyberspace Office of the Provincial Party Committee, the Civilization Office of the Provincial Party Committee, the Poverty Alleviation Office of the Provincial Party Committee, the Fujian Daily (Newspaper Group), and organized by the Southeast Network and the "Learning Power" Fujian Learning Platform, excellent cases of the series of activities of "Fight Against Poverty, Win an All round Well off Society, Fujian Footprint" and "Fujian Influence" are gathering in all parts of the province All departments and units actively recommend outstanding cases emerging from the decisive battle against poverty.

Establish a village level labor service company

Let poor families find jobs at home

"Working at home not only makes it convenient for me to take care of my children, but also improves my life. I really want to thank the labor service company in the village." Su Hongying (a pseudonym), a poverty-stricken household in Hall Village, Hui'an County, Quanzhou City, told reporters that after her husband died of illness, she left her children still studying, and her family was once in financial trouble. In October 2018, she was employed as a cleaner of the village labor service company, with a monthly income of 2000 yuan. In addition to doing some casual work, her annual income could reach 50000 yuan, and her life became increasingly prosperous.

Agricultural land resources are scarce. How can we maximize the benefits of limited resources for poverty alleviation? Since the start of the campaign to fight poverty, Hui'an County has carried out the exploration of becoming rich at the village level, issued the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Rural Labor Service Companies, and actively promoted the establishment of township and village labor service companies. At present, 184 rural labor service companies have been set up in the county, with an average income increase of more than 40000 yuan per village, laying a solid foundation for the goal of achieving collective economic income of more than 100000 yuan in all villages and more than 200000 yuan in 60% of villages by the end of this year, and achieving the goal of stable employment of at least one person from poor households with labor force.

"The company's business scope includes human resources services and information consulting, talent agencies, labor agencies, etc., and its main purpose is to help villagers find jobs and even start businesses, while increasing the village's collective income, so as to kill two birds with one stone." Zeng Guanxiong, secretary of the Party branch of the Great Hall Village in Tuzhai Town, Hui'an County, and head of the Great Hall Village Labor Service Company, said that in the first half of this year, affected by the epidemic, The company's business stopped for a short time. With the return to work and production, the company has resumed its busy state. For example, the company contracted the local Huidong Industrial Park greening and maintenance project, which not only made a profit of more than 20000 yuan, but also helped poor villagers to solve the employment problem. This year, we contracted the greening and maintenance project of County Road 309 in the village, which can add two jobs and is expected to make a profit of more than 30000 yuan.

Zeng Guanxiong told reporters that road greening and maintenance is the company's "good start" business. In the past two years, they have successively carried out rural environmental cleaning services, elderly care, labor employment in township enterprises and other businesses, increasing the collective income of the village, while ensuring the people's income and wealth through multiple channels.

Similarly, under the coordination of relevant departments, Quanzhou Yimin Human Resources Service Co., Ltd., located in Dongqiao Town, Hui'an, signed a sanitation and greening maintenance project with the local industrial park and the town government, successfully transferring more than 150 employees nearby and locally, and increasing the per capita monthly income of relevant labor force by about 3000 yuan. At the same time, the company cooperated with Dongqiao Town to carry out water improvement and toilet renovation projects for more than 80 targeted poor households, and absorbed and used local poor people for construction.

Transforming and developing characteristic agriculture

Make villagers' pockets bulge

Industrial "blood making" is an important guarantee for the masses to get rid of poverty, and the core of developing agricultural industry is to achieve "special" victory.

"I used to plant mushrooms, but I didn't know the sewage discharge standard. When it rained, there was always a strange smell in the village," said Chen Qifeng, a villager, who was still busy thinning the branches of okra. "Now I have planted okra. Okra is good, and the income per mu is nearly 20000 yuan."

Chen Qifeng is a "part-time" correspondent in Luobin Village, Longwen District, Zhangzhou City. At the age of 77, he has written down the development and changes of the village for more than 40 years. As can be seen from his work notes, the villagers here rely on mushroom planting for a living. However, mushrooms have high requirements for transportation, and sewage discharge has great pollution hazards to the environment. For this reason, the village cadres began to find the balance point between the village ecological protection and economic development.

In 2019, Longwen District of Zhangzhou City identified Luobin Village, Guokeng Town, as a benchmark village for "rural revitalization", and carried out industrial transformation and upgrading around "one village, one product, one feature". After several discussions and based on the actual situation, the village finally decided to ban 147 heavily polluted mushroom houses, transform and develop characteristic agriculture, tap local agricultural advantages, and vigorously develop okra planting.

In Chen Qifeng's notes, the words "yellow okra" are circled in red. Since then, this work note has become the "Okra Growth Diary", recording the small changes and problems encountered in the process of Okra cultivation. It is reported that Luobin Village now has 200 mu of okra, with an average output value of 35000 yuan per mu and a net income of nearly 20000 yuan per mu.

At sunset, Chen Qifeng packed his farm tools and headed home. Pointing to the construction site of the villagers' residential community project not far away, he said: "We have built this community in a unified way, and I heard that we will be able to move in by the end of the year." Chen Qifeng was full of expectation, and he also drew a sketch of the decoration design of the new home in his notes.

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