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The live broadcast of "Sea Wide Leaps over Farmers with Fish to Produce Shanxi Fragrance" helped farmers, with nearly 530000 people watching in real time

2020-09-01 08:25:51   Jiangmingming   Source: Southeast Network    Editor in charge: Zhou Dong

Wang Qigang (right), the first secretary of Xiashanxi Village, introduced local agricultural products with Miaomiao, the host of Southeast China. com.

On September 1, (our reporter Jiang Mingming's article/picture), on August 27, the live broadcast activity of "Sea Wide Leaps by Fish and Leaves Shanxi Fragrance" jointly sponsored by Fujian Folklore Museum and Xiashanxi Village, Longcun Village, Jian'ou City, Nanping City was held in Xiashanxi Village. This live broadcast has nearly 530000 real-time viewers, presenting the agricultural products of Xiashanxi Village in an all-round way, channeling goods, and real-time interaction, so as to achieve the goal of helping farmers and benefiting farmers, explore new ideas of targeted poverty alleviation, and open up a new world of wealth based on local conditions.

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