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The interview team of "Light of Aid · 24 Years of Fujian and Ningxia" directed at the achievements of Fujian and Ningxia cooperation: barren land has become a pearl on the frontier

2020-09-01 08:24:32   Shi Liangde, Yan Caibin, Guo Xiaokai   Source: Southeast Network    Editor in charge: Zhou Dong

At the Minning Poverty Alleviation Workshop in Hongde Village, Hongsibao Town, Hongsibao District, Wuzhong City, the villagers are working happily.

In Yuanzhou Branch of Fujian Scud Technician College, students are having classes.

On September 1, Southeast Network (Shiliangde, Yancaibin, Guo Xiaokai, reporter of this network), from August 23 to 30, 15 journalists from major mainstream media in Fujian Province gathered in Ningxia to participate in the interview activity of "Light of Aid · 24 Years of Minning" jointly organized by the Newspaper Supplement Working Committee of Fujian Journalists Association and Southeast Network. During the 8-day period, the interview team went to Yanchi, Tongxin, Yuanzhou, Longde, Zhongwei, Hongsibao, Minning Town and other places, went deep into the fields, farmers' sheds, schools and hospitals, poverty alleviation enterprises, etc., and visited Minning. With the cooperation of Minning, Fujian and Ningxia people worked side by side, helping the poor people in Ningxia develop production and improve their lives Get rid of poverty and become rich, feel the vicissitudes of local people's lives and happy new life.

Aid cadres in Nanjing

Promote deep and practical cooperation with true feelings

Over the past 24 years, groups of Fujian aided cadres have taken root and struggled in Ningxia, overcome the differences in climate, language environment and lifestyle, went to villages and towns, entered villages, and came to the homes of poor people to exchange their experience of becoming rich with cadres and masses in the fields, ponder poverty alleviation with poor people on the front line, and talk about employment with migrant people in poverty alleviation workshops, Understand the county conditions, get familiar with the local conditions, observe the people's conditions, and form a deep friendship with the masses.

Zheng Yonglin was the 11th batch of Fujian aided cadres in Ningxia, serving as a temporary member of the Standing Committee of Tongxin County Party Committee and deputy county head in Ningxia. After coming to Ningxia, he established the idea of helping based on the local characteristics and quickly integrated into the new working environment. Up to now, he has planned and implemented 58 Fujian Nanjing cooperation projects, and won more than 100 million yuan in total, benefiting 65000 people. In particular, taking industrial poverty alleviation as the fundamental policy of Fujian Ningxia cooperation and assistance, we have successively introduced 10 enterprises such as Fujian Ningxia Lvfeng Agriculture and Fujian Laisanjin, with a cumulative investment of 885 million yuan, to drive the masses to develop characteristic industries such as breeding, mushroom planting, spice production, so that the masses can have industries, jobs and agricultural products can be processed at home, and markets can be found outside, Let the barren loess "flow gold and silver". "My peace of mind lies in my hometown. I regard Tongxin as my second hometown!" He said that as a temporary cadre in Fujian and a poverty alleviation cadre, he felt extremely honored to participate in this work. "I will, as always, do my duty to help the poor, do everything in a down-to-earth way, and help the people of Tongxin get rid of poverty and become rich and go to a well-off society with a sincere feeling."

Worried about the impact of network instability on live teaching, Ouyang Qiangling, a teacher from Fujian aided Nanjing, innovatively recorded micro lessons, which were spread through multiple platforms, making it convenient for students to watch them repeatedly at any time. Fujian cadres who devote themselves to helping the poor like her, as well as Jiang Daping, a doctor who helped Nanjing to carry out the new technology teaching of "EMG and Evoked Potential Examination" and fill the technical gap in Hongsipao District and surrounding areas; Zhu Zhibin, a temporary cadre of Minning Town who is a "shop waiter" of poverty alleviation enterprises and a confidant of filing and card households in the fields, poverty alleviation workshops and under Grapevine; Fan Xueshuang and Zhu Xiaoshan, the cadres of aid in Nanjing who have achieved an annual sales of 20 million yuan and profits of nearly 5 million yuan, set up disabled e-commerce cooperatives by combining online and offline methods to drive the entrepreneurship of poor disabled people; Lai Youwei, a post-80s cadre who led the working group in local poverty alleviation, rural revitalization, investment attraction, and the fight against the epidemic, in the spirit of fighting hard and daring to win in Minnan

It is understood that over the past 24 years, there have been 11 batches of 180 temporary cadres in Fujian, and more than 2000 members of the teaching, medical and agricultural support team, expert academicians, and volunteers of the Western Plan have continued to relay, changing the face of the Gobi. Huang Shuimu, the leader of the 11th batch of Fujian's aid to Nanjing team, said that after the team members took over the baton, they earnestly implemented the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the East West Poverty Alleviation Cooperation Symposium and the spirit of the joint meeting of Fujian Nanjing Cooperation, and made precise efforts in terms of funds, projects, industries, employment, talents, etc., to further promote Fujian Nanjing poverty alleviation cooperation. "Aid to Ningxia has become an important experience in our life, and Ningxia has become our second hometown. In the critical period of poverty alleviation, we will continue to climb, and with the tenacity of dripping water, we will contribute to the construction of a beautiful new Ningxia."

Exploring Ningxia Live Online

Promotion of Ningxia agricultural products through four networks

"Tasting Ningxia" is a live webcast program jointly launched by Fujian Southeast Network and Ningxia News Network. It aims to promote Ningxia's characteristic agricultural products, so that more high-quality agricultural products and "Ningxia's good taste" will go to the market and the country.

On August 24, the first four network linkage webcast between Fujian and Ningxia, Southeast Network, Ningxia News Network, Straits Network and Minnan Network jointly spoke for Ningxia Yanchi, which enjoys the reputation of "the hometown of Tanyang in China", visited the breeding, processing, sales and other related conditions of Tanyang, promoted the food of Yanchi Tanyang, and interpreted "why Yanchi Tanyang is so delicious" for netizens. Once the live broadcast was launched, it attracted fans to call it good-looking, and the number of viewers exceeded 400000 in half an hour.

"The orchard at the foot of Helan Mountain has become a success, and the north and the south are old famous." On the morning of August 29, Southeast Network and Ningxia News Network continued to cooperate with each other to broadcast live online, went to Minning Town, Yongning County, Ningxia, focused on the strong pulse of the vigorous development of the grape industry at the eastern foot of Helan Mountain, and demonstrated the fruitful results of the cooperation between Minning and Fujian. On the same day, Chen Deqi, the owner of Helanshen Wine House and a Fujian businessman, was specially invited to serve as the "anchor" to share entrepreneurial experience and tell the development process of Ningxia's wine industry. Just half an hour of live broadcast, the number of viewers exceeded 500000.

The live broadcast was also supported by Xinhuanet, China News Network, Ningxia Daily client, Yinchuan News Network, Red Salt Pond and other network media and mobile terminals, and played a "online paean" to promote Ningxia's characteristic agricultural products. According to the plan, Southeast Network and Ningxia News Network will also jointly launch more types of Minning programs in the future to promote the culture, tourism, trade and other resources of Minning and Fujian, and contribute media power to the collaborative development of Minning and Fujian.

Ningxia Fujian businessmen

Inject new vitality into Fujian Ningxia cooperation

In 2007, Chen Deqi, a Fujian businessman, was impressed by the sincerity of Ningxia in attracting investment and signed the right to use 100000 mu of Gobi Desert. Over the past 13 years, he has invested 5 million trees to root in the Gobi Desert, developed more than 50000 mu of wasteland, and employed more than 3000 local immigrants at their homes. Today, the once desolate Gobi Desert at the eastern foot of Helan Mountain has become a vibrant oasis. Rows of tall poplar trees have become barriers against wind and sand, and 40000 mu of wine grapes have grown vigorously. He invited experts to develop wine making technology and launched his own wine brand. At present, the annual output value of wine exceeds 1 billion yuan. "As an enterprise, we should not only invest to make money, but also benefit the local people." Chen Deqi said, "When the 100000 mu organic grape industrial park is developed in the future, it is expected to bring more than 10000 people jobs here."

Groups of Fujian businessmen like Chen Deqi, who "fight hard to win", give full play to Fujian's advantages in capital, technology, industry and management, rely on Ningxia's inherent advantages in labor, land, characteristic agricultural products and other resources, start from potato, fungus and other industries, and jointly build poverty alleviation industrial parks. They have gone out of a market-oriented, enterprise investment, industrial cooperation, project driven, and become "blood transfusion type" Helping is a successful way of "hemopoietic" poverty alleviation.

Guyuan Longde County, located in the mountainous area of southern Ningxia, has 13000 disabled people, accounting for 7.2% of the total population of the county. Ningxia Longde Artificial Flower Craft Co., Ltd., a Fujian enterprise, and Ningxia Longde Haode Paper Packaging Co., Ltd., a Minning cooperative enterprise, actively assume social responsibilities while developing their enterprises. They not only set up poverty alleviation workshops to solve the employment problems of the poor, but also provide jobs for the disabled to help them realize their value in life.

In 2018, in response to the call of Fujian Ningxia counterpart poverty alleviation cooperation, the Scud Group also opened the Yuanzhou Branch of Fujian Scud Technician College in Yuanzhou District, Ningxia. The school closely adheres to the needs of targeted student aid and poverty alleviation, provides three-year free learning opportunities of "clothing, food, housing and transportation" for poor students in Yuanzhou District and surrounding areas, and signs an employment agreement upon admission, and 100% of them are arranged to work in Scud Company.

Even mountains and seas cannot distance people with common aspirations. With the cooperation of Fujian and Ningxia, by the end of 2019, 5700 Fujian registered enterprises and businesses had settled in Ningxia, more than 80000 Fujian registered people worked in Ningxia, and nearly 50000 Ningxia registered people had achieved stable employment in Fujian. In the past 24 years, the baton of "Fujian Nanjing counterpart poverty alleviation cooperation" has been passed to a number of people who have helped Nanjing. They have the courage to innovate, to tackle difficulties, to rise to the challenge, and to embark on a path of poverty alleviation cooperation with special significance, which has also become a model of counterpart support for poverty alleviation cooperation between the east and the west.

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