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More than 600000 people "cloud" witnessed the "Double Seventh Festival" friendship of youth across the Straits

2020-08-25 08:12:27   Li Tao and Su Lin   Source: Southeast Network    Editor in charge: Lin Wenjing

At the three lanes and seven alleys conference in Fuzhou, single youth held high DIY handicrafts and greeted the Taichung conference hall through live broadcast. (Picture provided by the sponsor)

At the Taichung Star guest exchange venue in Taiwan, single youth showed DIY handmade products to the camera. (Picture provided by the sponsor)

Southeast Network News on August 25 (local network Reporter Li Tao and Su Lin) The "Rong Tai Yuan, One Family" Cross Strait Unmarried Youth Friendship Association 2020 "Tanabata" online activity was held simultaneously on the 23rd in Fuzhou Sanfang Qixiang and Taichung Star Guest Exchange in Taiwan. Unmarried youth from both sides exchanged their hearts in a strong "Tanabata" cultural atmosphere through video connection and live interaction. The event was broadcast live simultaneously through Southeast Net, Weibo, Baidu, Today Toutiao and other platforms, "Come on, I wish you all get married", "People in Beijing want to return to Fuzhou to participate in the event"... The netizens had a warm interaction, and more than 600000 people witnessed online "cloud".

The online activity of the cross-strait "Tanabata" Friendship Association was strongly supported by the Taiwan Marriage Culture Development Association, the Ten Counties Association of Fuzhou in Taichung City, the Fuzhou Civil Affairs Bureau, the Federation of Trade Unions, the Women's Federation, the Taiwan Federation, the Taiwan Federation and other units. Nearly one hundred unmarried youth on both sides of the Taiwan Straits communicated with each other through offline activities, online connections and live broadcasts to show their talents and love. Finally, seven pairs of single youth found their favorite partner.

This activity was integrated into the "Tanabata" customs of Rongtai and Rongtai. For example, in the interaction link of "Tanabata Love" and "Jasmine Fragrance", young men and women were grouped to make DIY crystal cups and connect jasmine bracelets and give each other gifts. Later, young people on both sides of the Straits enjoyed the "Begging for Skills" by Lin Jie, a poet in Fuzhou in the Tang Dynasty, and the new works by old teachers in Fuzhou with rhymes. They made friends and found confidants in cultural edification.

According to reports, due to the need for safety and epidemic prevention, the number of people on the scene should be strictly controlled. Youth on both sides of the strait can not only get to know each other in online and offline activities, but also achieve remote interaction through online video, leaving contact information with each other. In terms of site selection, this activity fully takes into account the individual needs of young people. Fuzhou's three lanes and seven alleys are not only the historical witness of cross-strait origin and cultural connection, but also the only way for Taiwanese youth to visit and travel in Rongrong. The Xingkehui shared space, located in Taichung, Taiwan, is an ideal place for young people in Taiwan to engage in employment, entrepreneurship and leisure exchanges. Unmarried youth from both sides of the Taiwan Straits can join hands to visit local scenic spots and taste delicious food after joining the friendship here.

According to the relevant person in charge of Fuzhou Marriage Service Industry Association, the initiator of this activity, the online activity of the 2020 "Tanabata" Cross Strait Unmarried Youth Friendship Association aims to coordinate with the implementation of the relevant measures of the central, provincial and municipal governments to benefit Taiwan and the people, build a social platform for Taiwanese youth to study and find jobs in Rong, make friends, and start a family, and promote the spiritual affinity of Rong and Taiwan youth, It is of great significance to build a "blessed state and a happy city" and build the first home for Taiwanese enterprises to land.

Cross Strait marriage has a long history, which is one of the witnesses of the Chinese nation's blood thicker than water and the fusion of family ties. At present, there are nearly 400000 cross Straits marriages and families, and there are more than 60000 in Fuzhou alone.

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