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  • Message to: Liang Weixin, Secretary of Ningde Municipal Party Committee, Fujian Province

    Traffic sight problem


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    Due to the expansion of a checkpoint in Shuikou Town, Gutian County to build a wall, the traffic line of sight at the entrance and exit of my home was seriously blocked. My father, who is over 70 years old, rode in and out every day, and his personal safety was affected. We sincerely ask leaders to pay attention to [View full text]


  • Message to: Yu Hongsheng, Secretary of Longyan Municipal Party Committee, Fujian Province

    Hello Leader! It can be seen from the relevant documents previously released that there has been some planning for the urban green space around the north square area of the railway station, but no substantive progress has been made. 1. Hope to speed up the construction of Xieyang Park 2. Speed up the remaining riverside green plank road on the north bank of Longmen Creek Trade City section [View full text]

    urban construction

  • Message to: Li Xinghu, Secretary of Sanming Municipal Party Committee, Fujian Province

    Illegal parking lot construction


    To be replied

    Sanming Square, Dongxin 2nd Road, which has existed in Sanming for 30 years, runs from Dongxin 1st Road to 4th Road. There is only one square. It is already a very, very small square. It is a nearby place for the elderly and children to have fun, exercise and dance. It has been changed into a parking lot by the property management without permission [View full text]

    urban construction

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