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Fujian Provincial Government Holds Executive Meeting    On September 18, Zhao Long, Governor of Fujian Province, presided over the executive meeting of the provincial government, listened to the report on work safety since this year, and deployed the work of the next phase; Deliberated and passed the Administrative Measures for the Construction of Full time Fire Brigades of Fujian Provincial Government (Draft), Several Measures for Promoting the Linkage Development of "One Old and One Small" Home Service and Housekeeping Service, and Administrative Measures for Submitting Development Plans for Land Requisition in Fujian Province for Approval, and studied matters related to the authorization of approval of development plans for land requisition in blocks; Study the Fujian Provincial Gas Management Regulations (Revised Draft) and decide to submit it to the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress for deliberation; To study and strengthen the work of mine safety production and ecological environment zoning management and control. The meeting stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on safety production, further enhance the awareness of risk, hardship and extreme thinking, always with the sense of responsibility of "always being reassured" and the vigilance of waiting for trouble, fully implement the responsibility of safety production, and solidly carry out the three-year action of tackling the root causes of safety production, We will ensure the safety of people's lives and property and the overall social stability

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