The first phase of the food industrial park, the flagship project of "Two Countries, Two Parks" between China and Indonesia, has been rapidly promoted

The first phase of the food industrial park, the flagship project of "Two Countries, Two Parks" between China and Indonesia, has been rapidly promoted

2024-05-08 14:50 
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Construction site of Fuqing Yuanhong Hospital.

In recent days, the food industrial park (phase I) project of the closely watched China Indonesia economic and trade innovation and development demonstration park is rapidly advancing with high standards, strict requirements and an international perspective.

As the flagship project of "Two Countries, Two Parks" between China and Indonesia, the Food Industrial Park (Phase I) of China Indonesia Economic and Trade Innovation and Development Demonstration Park has a total investment of 5.65 billion yuan, a total land area of 1700.68 mu, and a total construction area of 1.2345 million square meters. It is proposed to build industrial standardization plants, food e-commerce centers, refrigerators, office buildings, as well as hospitals, schools Park roads and other supporting facilities.

Fuqing Yuanhong Hospital is the first project of the Food Industrial Park (Phase I) project. At present, the main construction of the basement has been completed and the superstructure is under construction. Lin Xiong, the project leader, introduced that more than 200 constructors and more than 10 large mechanical equipment were put into construction during the peak period, helping the construction to achieve "acceleration". The project is expected to be delivered in December 2025.

It is reported that the Food Industrial Park (Phase I) project will focus on cultivating characteristic green food industrial parks and improving the carrier function of the parks. At the same time, the introduction of domestic and foreign leading enterprises provides a platform for upstream and downstream related industries and drives the development of industrial clusters. (Reporter Wang Guanghui/photo)

(Wang Guanghui)

[Editor in charge: Shu Liang]
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