What is the language of hibiscus flowers? Hibiscus is the national flower of which country- Replay network

What is the language of hibiscus flowers? Hibiscus is the national flower of which country?

2023-07-07 14:08:29 Source: Taiyuan Hotline

What is the flower language of hibiscus

1. Beauty and nobility

Hibiscus syriacus flowers are colorful. The flowers show red, purple, pink and other colors, and sometimes there are spots or lines, giving a gorgeous and noble feeling.

2. Courage and tenacity

Hibiscus flowers can bloom vigorously in cold winter, giving people a sense of perseverance, representing courage and perseverance.

3. Metabolism and rebirth

Hibiscus syriacus flowers are often endowed with the symbolic meaning of metabolism and rebirth. Living in adversity symbolizes the ability to face challenges bravely.

4. Purity and elegance

The beauty and elegance of hibiscus flowers in bloom give people a pure and flawless feeling, representing beauty and tranquility.

Which country's national flower is hibiscus

Hibiscus is the national flower of South Korea and Malaysia. In South Korea, Hibiscus will be planted near the flag pole as a decoration. At the same time, the national emblem also uses Hibiscus as the design subject, symbolizing the national spirit of the Korean people, and the flower language of Hibiscus is tenacious, eternal beauty, etc. Its growth mode is like a life path, full of surprises and frustrations.

[Editor in charge: h001]

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