What is soft text? What are the soft text promotion platforms?
Time: 2022-12-26 11:11:31    Source: Yidian.com   
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Soft article publishing website (www.runwen. cn) flat platform It is learned that the purpose of publishing soft articles is to optimize and promote their own enterprises and products, but many enterprises publish soft articles on their websites in order to optimize their websites, so that their websites can rank higher under the search of industry keywords, and then get more customer clicks. Then how can enterprises do soft article publishing to make soft articles rank higher on Baidu, The following steps must be remembered!

1、 Then how can we get Baidu's relevant display

The following two steps are required to achieve this effect:

1. The top ranking keyword must be included in the soft articles we write. For example, "soft article release". When we write soft articles, we only need to include this keyword.

2. You need to release the soft articles to the media included in the news source. After the news sources we released are included, users can appear in Baidu's near relevant.

One thing to remind you is that Baidu near Related display is the most near Some news will appear within a period of time. After new information appears, these old news will be pushed down. The most important factor in the length of news presentation is the speed of news updates.

2、 How to reach Baidu's home page through natural ranking

It is more stable than other types of operations to reach the home page of Baidu search engine by SEO optimization soft text to improve natural ranking, and it does not require any cost, but it is also difficult. We can solve it by the following three steps:

1. Mining keywords for ranking

Soft article publishing website (www.runwen. com) flat platform It is learned that Xiaobian suggests that you can query the difficulty of keyword optimization through the webmaster tool. If we have precise keywords that are difficult to optimize, we can change our perspective. We can use long tail words to publish in soft text flat platform For example, we can choose the long tail word "soft article release" flat platform Which is better "to write articles.

2. Write and publish soft articles

When writing articles, we need to pay attention to the density of keywords. It is suggested that you can use software to detect the density. Normally, it should be about 3% to 5%. After the soft text is written, it needs to be released to our industry nature On our website. In the process of publishing soft articles, we need to constantly select sites that are more suitable for us, and also combine factors such as high ranking, high power, and good inclusion.

3. Do a good job in soft text detection and optimize key points

Soft article publishing website (www.runwen. com. cn) flat platform It is learned that after the release of the soft articles, the small editor will feed back all the links to the customers, and after the links are included, we will link these soft articles together, and we can do more pointing links when doing the site text. When keywords capture the first five pages of Baidu, it can help customers optimize the soft articles to the home page and maintain a stable ranking for a long time.


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