Glorious coronation is expected | WotoKOL Wobun won the Star Award BrandStar Awards 2022 Service Innovation Award!
Time: 2022-12-22 16:49:57    Source:   
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In November 2022, the winner list of the Star Award BrandStar Awards 2022 was announced, and WotoKOL Wobun won the Service Innovation Award!

It is understood that BrandStar Awards is an award launched by Brand Planet in 2021 with "brand innovation" as the core indicator. The Star Award system includes the core parts of brand building, aiming to outline the industry ecology of brand innovation from a global, objective and professional perspective, and promote the sustainable development and innovation of Chinese brands.

Since 2022, when the application was launched in July, the Star Award has aroused a warm response in the industry. As of the end of the application, 2022 has received more than 500 awards from brands and service providers. The jury of 2022 Star Awards consists of 50+brand executives, investors and industry experts. During the 1-month review, the organizing committee of the Star Award and the jury scored the applicant company comprehensively around innovation, brand, product, growth and influence to jointly complete the review.

Star Award firmly believes in the power and value of brands. In the future, the Star Award will continue to take "innovation, sustainability, and multi symbiosis" as its values, promote the industry's understanding of brand innovation, and continue to explore and grow in the field of brand innovation.

Therefore, the Star Award Service Innovation Award is the highest recognition of the experts for the Crouching Rabbit brand's offshore agency service, and highly praises the Crouching Rabbit KOL's marketing ability! As a company that enables enterprises to go to sea with brands, WotoKOL Wotu provides enterprises with a full range of brand marketing services, including brand planning, localized content marketing, overseas online celebrity marketing, TikTok integrated marketing, cross-border e-commerce live broadcast and other project services. At the same time, WotoKOL Wobun Network has independently built a brand marketing platform for going to sea - WotoHub overseas celebrity intelligent marketing cloud, which helps Chinese enterprises connect to the world with one click, and achieve global branding social media marketing with low cost and high efficiency.

As a leader in the industry, WotoKOL Wotu has taken root in overseas online celebrity marketing for five years, and its overseas online celebrity resources have exceeded 10 million. WotoKOL Wotu is a company that links the top number of global opinion leaders in the industry. The service industry also covers e-commerce, games, APP applications, brands, tourism, etc., successfully serving Midea, Skyworth, Xiaomi Anker、RELX、SHEIN、 Perfect Diary, Alipay, Netease Games, Miha Tour, Youzu Network, Qingdao Tourism Bureau and other 2500+well-known brand customers going to sea.

It is believed that in the future, WotoKOL Wotu will continue to serve Chinese brands with sincerity, create excellent marketing quality with innovation, open up a bright future of the industry with the hope of perfection, maintain the excellent trend of service innovation, help more enterprises link with global opinion leaders, and help Chinese brands go to sea.

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Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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