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Reporters visited the drought fighting front line in Cheng'an County, Handan, Hebei Province, where "thirsty seedlings drink water"

Source: People's Daily
2024-06-17 10:23

Original title: Reporter's visit to the frontline of drought relief in Cheng'an County, Handan, Hebei Province (quotation)

"Thirsty seedlings drink water" (theme)

People's Daily reporter Wang Hao

Some areas of the Yellow River, Huaihe River and the Sea have been suffering from high temperature and drought recently. On June 14, the Ministry of Water Resources upgraded the emergency response to drought prevention in Henan and Hebei to Level III. On the 15th, the reporter went to Handan, Hebei, the "granary in southern Hebei", to visit the frontline of drought resistance and summer sowing.

At noon, cicadas came from the forest belt in the field. In Zhonglousi Village, Cheng'an County, the reporter met villagers Guo Yushu and Wang Heling who were watering the land.

"The thirsty seedlings drank water!" Uncle Guo was very excited. "I planted more than 20 mu of land, and more than 1400 jin of wheat per mu. With this water, there is hope for a good harvest of corn." Walking into the plot of the old Guo family, the reporter saw the water barrier in the canal, and through the outlet, clear water bubbled to moisten the farmland.

"The two plots are next to each other. When Lao Guo finishes watering, it's my turn." Wang Heling took up the story

Harvest in summer and seed in summer. During this period of time, there was a high temperature and drought. The light drought area of the county was 150000 mu, and the heavy drought area was 2000 mu. Watering became the top priority of the villagers.

At the beginning of June, Uncle Guo Yu finished harvesting wheat, but the field was too dry for corn seeds to go into the field. "It doesn't rain and there is little water in the canal. What can we do?"

Villagers look forward to water. As the chairman of the farmers' water user association in the village, Guo Changming, the secretary of the village party branch, was very worried. On June 5, seeing the drought, he reported the irrigation demand of the whole village to the county water conservancy bureau. "Water is the courage of farmers. With water, they dare to sow and fertilize without delay." Every once in a while, Guo Changming ran to the side of the Grand Canal and saw that the water had not risen.

The water demand of 239 villages in 9 towns and townships is summarized to Tian Zhenlei, head of the irrigation section of the county water conservancy bureau. "The spring irrigation is full and the summer irrigation is skillful. When the corn is planted, we have to water it again. Everyone needs to water the land at this juncture. With more water from the upstream, we can use less." Tian Zhenlei explained.

Yuecheng Reservoir, more than 50 kilometers away, is the main source of agricultural irrigation water in Cheng'an County. Tian Zhenlei Panjiadi: "There are 46 trunk and branch canals and 5 large pump stations in the county. To ensure that there is water in the canals, it needs to transfer 1.25 million cubic meters of water every day."

The counties and cities apply for coordination and fully allocate water sources. On June 11, the discharge of Yuecheng Reservoir increased to 40 cubic meters per second, and on June 13, it increased to 60 cubic meters per second. "This means that 5 million cubic meters of water enter the canal every day, and the irrigation water in the upstream and downstream can be guaranteed," said Cui Xinling, a fourth level researcher of the county water conservancy bureau.

The Zhonglousi junction is located at the junction of three main canals and is a "tap" for water transfer. "24 cubic meters per second is discharged to the main civilian canal, and 17 cubic meters per second is discharged to the second main civilian canal." After receiving the order, Xu Dongdong, a worker of Cheng'an Management Office of Zhangfuhe Irrigation and Water Supply Management Office, pressed the button and slowly raised the gate. "According to the water demand and irrigation situation in different regions, we measure the flow twice in the morning and evening every day and adjust the gate more than 5 times to ensure accurate water distribution."

The water conservancy department set up a drought emergency team to patrol the canal 24 hours a day and clear the silt in time; The agricultural and rural departments should strengthen the guidance of agricultural technology and guide farmers to irrigate scientifically; The power department shall repair the power supply line to ensure normal power consumption. All departments work together to escort clear water into the fields.

On June 13, water came to the village, and Guo Changming ran to the village committee compound and pressed the horn: "Villagers, water is coming, hurry to irrigate the land." He mobilized the villagers to clean weeds and clods to ensure that the village level canal system was unblocked. "In two days, more than half of the village has been irrigated," said Guo Changming.

Water conservancy is the lifeblood of agriculture. Cui Xinling spread out a water network planning map of the whole county and calculated a long-term account: "We are an overdrawn area of groundwater, and the water source depends on surface water. The county plans to build" three horizontal and three vertical "channels to connect small water conservancy with large water network, and" capillaries "extend to every field. In addition, ponds and pump gates should be built to not only divert water and drain water, but also store and lift water, regulate peak load and dry season, and make scientific scheduling. "

"The key is to save water," Cui Xinling said, promoting channel lining, building underground pipelines, and reducing leakage; We will guide farmers to develop sprinkler irrigation, plant water-saving crops, and use hard won water carefully.

Water diversion to ensure summer sowing. The control reservoirs in the Yellow River, Haihe River and Huaihe River basins have fully entered the drought relief operation mode, increasing the discharge and water volume. Yuecheng Reservoir has replenished 418 million cubic meters of water to the downstream, and the discharge flow of Xiaolangdi Reservoir has increased from 700 cubic meters per second to 1800 cubic meters per second. A canal of clear water has moistened the vast fertile fields.

Editor in charge: Yang Jing

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