Zhonggong Entertainment

The first bridge along the Yellow River Expressway project was completed

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-06-16 09:52

Original title: Completed the first bridge along the Yellow River Expressway

Client correspondent of Workers' Daily Yu Xiao, Guo Cui, Workers' Daily - Gan Xi, reporter of China Industrial Network

On June 11, with the command of the commander to drop the beam, the 120 ton bridge erecting machine lifted the 30 meter T-beam and placed it stably at the predetermined position. The first 120 ton bridge erecting machine for the People's Shengli Canal Bridge was successfully completed, and the construction of the project along the Yellow River Expressway entered the expressway.

In order to ensure the smooth completion of the girder erection task, the Project Department has formulated a detailed construction plan, made safety and technical disclosure to the construction personnel, and carried out a comprehensive inspection of the bridge erecting machine to accurately control each operation link.

The expressway along the Yellow River is one of the six channels in the "two circles, three mountains and six channels" that are the key construction of Henan Expressway Planning Network (2021-2035). The implementation of the project is an important support for the national strategy of ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin, improving the transportation channel on the north bank of the Yellow River, improving the road network structure of Henan Province, and strengthening the connectivity of Zhengzhou and Luoyang metropolitan areas, It is of great significance to help Henan Province build a strong transportation province and accelerate the rise of the central region.

Editor in charge: Zheng Xin

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