Zhonggong Entertainment

Beijing Red Cross Society Held the 20th World Blood Donor Day Publicity Activity

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-06-15 10:10

Former title: Beijing Red Cross held the 20th World Blood Donor Day publicity activity

Worker's Daily - reporter Dou Feitao from China Industrial Network

On June 14, to commemorate the 20th World Blood Donor Day, the Beijing Red Cross Society held a free blood donation promotion activity at the Beijing Red Cross Blood Center. This activity attracted the enthusiastic participation of many citizens, Red Cross workers, hematopoietic stem cell donors and volunteers.

At the event site, a large number of citizens and volunteers actively participated in the registration and physical examination before blood donation. The atmosphere at the scene is warm, and everyone uses their own practical actions to convey respect and love for life.

There are several special participants in the blood donation team. Xiao Zhi, the 307th hematopoiesis stem cell donor in Beijing, shared his experience of voluntary blood donation for many years. He said: "Voluntary blood donation is not only a responsibility, but also a kind of respect and love for life. Whenever I think that my blood can save the lives of others, I feel extremely proud."

Also noticeable was Xiao Li, the 545th hematopoietic stem cell donor, who actively provided organizational services on site. Last year, after her successful donation of hematopoietic stem cells, Xiao Li did not hesitate to devote herself to voluntary blood donation and the propaganda and mobilization of hematopoietic stem cells. In this year's "Rainbow Plan", a care project for children with blood diseases, she is dedicated to mobilizing volunteers from her university to help children with blood diseases fulfill their wishes and distribute gifts full of love.

In addition, there was a special volunteer, Xiao Lan, who was saved by surgery and blood transfusion. Now, she not only insists on donating blood for free, but also actively participates in publicity activities, hoping to make more people realize the importance of blood donation through her own experience.

The staff of the Beijing Red Cross Society said that blood has irreplaceable value in clinical medicine, and unpaid blood donation is the key to ensuring blood supply. Over the past two decades, many blood donors have made positive contributions to saving lives in the spirit of selfless dedication.

Editor in charge: Lu Yun

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