Zhonggong Entertainment

Realized the promise made to my father 20 years ago

Source: Western decision-making microblog
2024-06-14 14:29

Original title: Realized the promise to my father 20 years ago

When we were young, we always made various commitments to our father, taking him to travel around the world and buying him a villa sports car. In the twinkling of an eye, we began to realize the commitment we made to our father 20 years ago. Longfeng triplets were admitted to key universities at the same time, our daughter realized his father's football dream and became a football player, our son sold a house and took his 60 year old father to travel around China, and the kids after 00 saved money to equip his father with an artificial cochlea. Now that we have grown up, have you fulfilled the promise you made to your father 20 years ago?

Editor in charge: Liu Yang

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