Zhonggong Entertainment

It's the right time for the model worker to preach to the campus, establish morality and cultivate people

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-31 13:56

CAMCE News On May 22, the first "Model Worker Lecture on Campus" activity jointly sponsored by the Federation of Trade Unions of Sanshan Economic Development Zone in Wuhu, Anhui, and the Craftsman College of Anhui Yangzi Vocational and Technical College opened in the College of Mechanical Engineering. The event invited the winner of the May Day Labor Medal in Anhui Province and the professor of industry in Wuhu, Zhu Jiawang, director of the Technical Center of Wuhu Crane and Transportation Machinery Co., Ltd., made a speech, which was attended by nearly 100 students of the college.

Zhu Jiawang first took his own growth and work experience as a guide, and with simple language, fresh examples and sincere feelings, he shared with students the struggle process and labor stories of how to base himself on the position, devote himself to work, create happiness through labor, and achieve dreams through hard work. Considering that these student groups are about to enter the society and take up their jobs, Zhu Jiawang has also specially made video courses to explain college students' career planning, employment interviews and etiquette, ranging from employment situation interpretation and career planning to resume production skills, interview precautions and etiquette, which are detailed and practical, After listening to this, the students present said that they were full of dry goods.

The activity of "model workers preaching on campus" enabled teachers and students to get close contact with model workers, listen to their stories, and understand the spirit of model workers. It further inspired students to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, establish lofty ideals, and strive to be good young people in the new era who have ideals, dare to take responsibility, can endure hardship, and are willing to fight. The Federation of Trade Unions of Sanshan Economic Development Zone will start with this activity, further deepen the cooperation and exchange with colleges and universities' craftsmanship colleges, and promote the integration of industry and education to a new height through education and training, publicity, labor and skills competitions, innovation and creation, so as to open up a new situation for trade union work. (Chen Yingjie)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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