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Worker's Daily editorial | Continuously expand the new path of "trade union help employment" practice

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-05-16 07:27

[Editorial Review of Workers' Daily]

Original title: Continuously expanding the new path of the practice of "trade union help employment"

Worker's Daily - commentator of China Industrial Network Guo Zhengang

To carry out the special action of "trade union helping employment" in the digital era and build it into a high-quality service project to help employees find jobs and start businesses, the key is to clarify the goal and direction of the action, highlight the advantages of each region, and find a new path to give full play to the ability of trade unions, adapt to regional characteristics, meet the needs of enterprises, and take into account the needs of job seekers of different ages.

According to the report of the Workers' Daily on May 14, this year, trade unions at all levels in Shaanxi focused on key employment groups such as unemployed people, college graduates, migrant workers and laid-off workers with difficulties. Focusing on their job hunting intentions and professional skills, while widely carrying out regular offline employment services, they deepened online ways such as live broadcast, video double election, cloud recruitment, etc., by industry Deeply carry out live broadcast of labor union chairmen to take posts, model workers to send posts, and enterprises to explore posts in different fields. At present, more than 30 online employment service activities have been held (times), such as "live job sending" and "job exploration" by the trade union chairman and model workers, providing nearly 70000 jobs. More than 5000 people have achieved "code" employment through live job sending by the trade union chairman.

Through the key to key, face-to-face form, the position visualization and recruitment digitalization are realized, so that the enterprise's employment needs and the intention of job seekers can be seamlessly connected. The live job delivery by the trade union not only facilitates job seekers to intuitively understand the enterprise's working environment and job needs, but also provides enterprises with the opportunity to deeply understand job seekers and improve the accuracy of recruitment and employment. This employment service mode makes the two-way connection between job seekers and enterprises more convenient, enriches the new practice of "labor union assisted employment", and builds a new platform for high-quality employment.

"Labor Union Helping Employment" is a brand activity created by the All China Federation of Trade Unions in 2024 to focus on the employment and entrepreneurship needs of workers, promote the transformation of labor union employment services to the digital and intelligent direction, and develop in the direction of "inclusiveness+particularity". It covers five special actions: "labor union training helps employment", "labor union entrepreneurship helps employment", "labor union collaboration helps employment", "labor union assistance helps employment", and "labor union AI helps employment". Since the launch of the activity, local trade unions have based on local conditions, combined with the needs of employers and job seekers, and learned from the successful experience of the national trade unions in carrying out employment assistance services since 2011, launched a number of epochal, innovative and targeted forms of employment assistance, and achieved new results.

For example, Jiangsu Labor Union has built a "cloud recruitment" project service platform, widely carried out questionnaire surveys, on-site visits, and released enterprise recruitment information, so that the labor union's employment services can be expanded in both cloud and offline ways, extending the coverage of service objects; Henan Labor Union explored to build a "casual inn" employment service model, providing online and offline employment services, industry and region, government and market; Zhejiang Trade Union launched train enterprise job fairs, online live job posting recruitment, "payroll loan" employee entrepreneurship preferential loans, and actively served employees' employment and entrepreneurship; Fujian Trade Union held the first exhibition and exchange activity of employee entrepreneurship projects to show the employee entrepreneurship projects in various provinces in the form of VR, etc.

The innovative practice cases of trade unions around the country have enabled the brand activity of "trade unions helping employment" to show a promising development prospect, and injected new momentum into enterprises' employment and high-quality employment of workers.

To carry out the special action of "trade union helping employment" in the digital era and build it into a high-quality service project to help employees find jobs and start businesses, the key is to clarify the goal and direction of the action, highlight the advantages of each region, and find a new path to give full play to the ability of trade unions, adapt to regional characteristics, meet the needs of enterprises, and take into account the needs of job seekers of different ages.

Trade unions at all levels should, through extensive research, grasp the needs of job seekers and employers in the region, expand the functions of the labor relations monitoring platform of trade unions, adapt to local conditions, provide employment and entrepreneurship services by levels and classifications, and promote the employment adaptability of workers; Through the labor employment cooperation mechanism, dynamically grasp the employment information and the difficulties and pain points of job seekers' employment, provide targeted assistance services, and improve the stability of employees' employment; Understand the enterprise development plan, carry out skill training, and improve the adaptability of workers to employment; Through employment and entrepreneurship assistance, help workers' career development and promote the diversity of workers' employment; Cooperate with relevant departments to provide public welfare posts for needy workers and improve the universality of employment.

The special action of "trade unions help employment" can be described as an upgraded version of the employment and entrepreneurship assistance services provided by trade unions. Long term practice has proved that through "building bridges, platforms, and skills" to aggregate resources, through two-way promotion of employment and entrepreneurship assistance and rights protection services, to provide workers with suitable jobs, to help employers recruit suitable workers, trade union organizations have made great achievements.

It is expected that local trade unions will continue to optimize the form, expand the platform, enrich the path, and contribute to the development of new quality productive forces on the basis of summarizing the existing achievements of "trade union assisted employment".

Editor in charge: queen

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