Zhonggong Entertainment

Illustrate the "Great Salamander"

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-05-09 07:21


Original title: "Daba"


Zhao Chunqing/Tu Yunchao/Wen

According to Jimu News, a blogger recently released a video showing that the driver of a new energy vehicle of a certain brand left the driver's seat to let the vehicle drive in a "driverless" state. On the same day, the customer service of the brand replied that the auxiliary driving function is not automatic driving, which is very dangerous and should be resolutely eliminated.

In recent years, some brand cars equipped with intelligent driving function have been favored, but most of them are actually auxiliary driving. In such scenarios as "ghost probe" or sudden congestion of other vehicles, the response speed of the system is often not as fast as that of human beings, so the use of this function still needs to be dominated and controlled by the driver. The reason why some car owners dare to "throw their weight" is that they are blindly optimistic and seek stimulation, and there are also reasons why they do not know much about intelligent driving technology, which will undoubtedly pose a great threat to passengers and public safety. Consumers need to be more awed by the technology that is still developing, and car enterprises should also be truthful in their publicity and increase risk tips. Without the "1" of safety, no amount of convenience, freshness, and "cool" will be "0".

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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