Zhonggong Entertainment

Picture: Package? tricks!

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-05-07 12:30


Original title: Package? tricks!


Li Faming/Tu Yunchao/Wen

According to surging news reports, recently, Ms. Zhang from Hangzhou, Zhejiang, bought several luxury packages of amusement park tickets in a gold medal store on an e-commerce platform, but was told on the day of play that she needed to give five-star praise to enter the park. After entering the park, the guide repeatedly induced Ms. Zhang to cancel e-commerce orders for offline transactions.

During the holidays, the official exclusive package tickets of some popular scenic spots are very popular, so the ticket sources of some online businesses have become hot cakes. At present, the agreed service promise is difficult to be fulfilled in the end, which is not only suspected of false propaganda and damage to consumer rights, but also exposes the management loopholes of the platform. In reality, many people are not unfamiliar with such behaviors as giving favorable comments first, providing services, letting consumers cancel orders, and then trading offline with merchants. Most of them are "small calculations" made by merchants to avoid platform supervision and attempt to evade taxes, which increase the difficulty for consumers to safeguard their rights. In essence, this is still a "scalper" phenomenon. To this end, e-commerce platforms should strengthen the review and supervision of businesses settled in. While strengthening ticket management, relevant scenic spots may want to think more about ways to optimize the allocation of ticket sources, so as to live up to tourists' enthusiasm for traveling.

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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