Zhonggong Entertainment

Comments on Zhonggong Man Catching the Wealth of "Splashing" Heaven

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-04-18 11:53

 four hundred and fifty

Painting/Liu Qi's words/Chen Wanyang

In these two days, Xishuangbanna and other places in Yunnan are very busy. The Water Splashing Festival not only conveys blessings, but also brings about a growing cultural and tourism economy. With tourists from all over the country coming in one after another, various consumption hotspots emerge one after another. Many tourists wear national costumes and delicate makeup, and take photos under the guidance of photographers. Also hot is the catering market - data shows that on the first day of the Water Splashing Festival, the total tourism revenue of Jinghong City, Xishuangbanna Prefecture is predicted to exceed 530 million yuan. (Reported by CCTV on April 15)

The Water Splashing Festival brings not only blessings, but also "the wealth of splashing the sky". The daily income is 530 million yuan, which is enough to witness the charm of traditional activities. The colorful traditional activities, such as float tour, dragon boat race, and Kongming Lantern display, are combined with new consumption scenes such as ethnic costume experience and travel photography, which greatly enhance the sense of participation of tourists and make them forget to leave.

On the spring day, many places held various folk activities to celebrate the "March 3rd". It was also the right time to enjoy flowers on the outing. If these activities were featured and revitalized, the good scenery would bring "wealth splashing on the sky" to more places.

Editor in charge: Zhang Zheng

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