Old Aikan shares: small and medium-sized enterprises will launch a wave of spring market

16:10, March 17, 2016      Author: Ai Lao    ( zero ) +1

Article/Lao Ai, chief commentator of Sina Finance

   Introduction: The real trend after the two sessions has finally arrived, and it is a gratifying choice to make progress. The small and medium-sized enterprises that have been suppressed during the two sessions have finally broken out, and will become the leader of the new wave of rebound market. It is suggested to continue to follow up and continue to layout the spring market on Monday!

Today's trend just fulfilled the two points of yesterday's review: first, large cap stocks made up for losses, and banking stocks such as Minsheng, Beijing, and Industrial plunged rapidly in the late afternoon, dragging down SSE 50 Index The sharp drop almost led to a late murder case, but fortunately, due to the fulfillment of the second point of view, it was finally safe, that is, the startup of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the promising market of small and medium-sized stocks finally came!

Recently, I have been talking about the real trend of the market after the two sessions. Today, it finally comes, and it is a gratifying trend. That is to choose to go up. The small and medium-sized enterprises that have been suppressed during the two sessions have finally erupted!

Today, the pattern of Shanghai being weak, deep and strong is very obvious. The bank stocks that had previously protected the market made up for losses, and small and medium-sized enterprises took over the rising baton. This is the real trend of the market. In fact, what we have to wait for is the real trend without the protection of the national team!

This is exactly what I hope to see. Yesterday, I said that large cap stocks would make up for losses, and the opportunities for future market were mainly in small and medium-sized stocks. It was originally expected that the market would start next week, but unexpectedly, the market would come faster than expected!

It's much better now that the GEM can withstand the fall in the morning, pull up tenaciously before noon, and continue to attack in the afternoon, which shows that after the funds have fully rested during the two sessions, they are ready to choose the attack direction on the small cap stocks represented by the GEM, which can be seen from the individual stocks, Eastmoney Flush Such popular varieties have received large capital inflows, showing a very obvious trend of starting at the bottom.

Tomorrow is Friday. According to the law of Friday, Friday in weak markets is often not good, but now the market has recovered, and the probability of Friday going well is still very high. And we should follow the capital. Today's Shenzhen market transactions are significantly enlarged, indicating that the capital has begun to enter the market.

There is no need to worry about the late dive of bank shares, which can be understood as the transfer of funds to small and medium-sized stocks. As long as small and medium-sized enterprises have a market, there will be no worries about the future market!

Now it can be confirmed that small and medium-sized enterprises have been launched, especially the GEM, which has leapt over the high point of the shadow line on March 3, successfully broke through the bottom box, and will become the leader of a new wave of rebound market!

Since that's the case, it's easy to deal with it. Previously, it was said that "follow when rising, wait when falling". Now that it is rising, of course it is following! In the operation strategy at noon, we have called on everyone to enter the market, and we can continue to bargain in the future, to lay out the spring market on Monday!

(The author of this article introduces: chief commentator and senior investor of Sina Finance.)

Editor in charge: Ai Tangming SF002

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