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A customized hoax for highly educated young people

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Wen/Ba Jiuling

Source: Wu Xiaobo Channel

On April 25, the microblog topic "swindler pretending to be a male master of customer service was cheated of 190000 yuan in three hours" was on the hot search, and the topic read more than 50 million.

Half a month later, on May 7, the similar topic "740000 postgraduates were cheated after three hours of talking with cheats" also hit the hot search, and this time, the number of reading reached 420 million.

According to the Report on Mobile Phone Security in China in 2021 released by 360, among the victims of telecom fraud in 2021, the post-90s accounted for 38.8% and were the main victims, while the post-00s and post-80s accounted for 28.1% and 24.6% respectively, ranking second and third.

In terms of the ratio of losses to the number of people cheated, the post-80s and post-90s also bear the brunt.

If you are surprised by the above cases and data, we have contacted a person who has experienced telecom fraud to review this customized fraud against highly educated young people.

Shen Jue, post-90s, graduated from a normal university with a bachelor's degree, and currently works in the Internet industry. Young, highly educated, quick to accept information. In this way, she was cheated of all working capital within 90 minutes.

Here are her memories of this telecom fraud:

At 16:49 on March 10, the National Anti fraud Center sent me the first message, reminding me that I was suffering from telecom fraud.

At 16:54 five minutes later, the second message arrived quickly. At this moment, a strange account had received my first transfer.

Another minute later, a more urgent third message arrived, but it was too late, and the remaining money had been transferred in twice within a minute.

17: 03. Hangzhou Anti fraud Center called to tell me that I had been cheated by telecommunications.

At the moment of awakening, all the anxiety and hesitation in the process had a reasonable explanation. The only thing that could not be explained was:

Why would a highly educated post-90s be easily fooled?

Let's turn the clock back to 15:30 an hour and a half ago.

   The liar praised her for her cleverness

At first, she received a call beginning with 170:

"The state requires that our Jingdong gold bars be taken off the shelves for rectification, so you need to cancel and close Jingdong gold bars."

"But I haven't used Jingdong gold bars."

"I know you haven't used it. But you checked the opening option when you first shopped in Jingdong when you were in college, and opened a student loan as a student. But now the country does not allow student accounts to exist, so you need to close this to avoid affecting your personal credit investigation..."

This is the initial dialogue between the liar and Shen Jue.

At that time, she was still not sure, so she repeatedly asked about the details of "rectification". At this time, the other party showed impatience and said that she would ask another customer service person to communicate with her. Then the phone rang busy for a few seconds.

What's going on hasn't been reflected yet. Another "customer service B" with a more standard Mandarin and a better attitude has started to guide the next steps.

Step 1: Download an office software.

Step 2: enter a teleconference with 4 members and start screen sharing.

This process is called: according to the national regulations, in order to ensure safety, the entire operation process needs to be supervised by a specially assigned person. And the service staff also replaced the "customer service B" with a person whose avatar shows the word "Dexing" - which also gives a sense of ritual of "special person to do special things".

Then Dexing helped Shen Jue cancel his account through the "official background of JD". A few minutes later, he told Shen Jue that the cancellation of JD's gold bar account failed because there were other associated unauthenticated accounts, and sent a picture through the JD customer service chat interface (explained later here).

While receiving the pictures, Dexing kept urging her to recall whether there were other loan accounts.

Shen Jue said that he was not clear, so he began to "patiently" guide how to check, and finally "smoothly" found the micro loan entrance in WeChat and closed it.

Next is the inspection of UnionPay related loan accounts. Dexing continues to "guide" Shen Jue to check the existing bank apps.

After checking all accounts, Dexing said that it failed to try to cancel again: "Isn't your previous JD account your current mobile number?" Shen Jue gave a positive answer and said that the old mobile number had been deactivated.

At that time, she did not know that all the actions ahead were just a cushion, and all the "failures" were only for the smooth closing of the net.

The other side said: "(If so) It is difficult to operate, we need to report to the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission for processing. During this period, in order to prevent your funds from being liquidated, you can apply for (the funds are kept by) the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission."

She was instructed to send a paragraph to the official account of the "China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission":

The following story does not need to be repeated. Years of hard work - "to ensure capital security", we summarized all the working capital of WeChat, Alipay, and bank cards and transferred them into the "CBRC security account" in three times, which turned into nothing.

In Shen Jue's memory, she was particularly impressed by one memory point: "When everything was over, Dexing praised me and said, 'It's really a person who has received higher education. It's really smart.'"

   Lost for 90 minutes

Two months after the crime, Shen Jue told the minibus that he was willing to make this experience public. Through the introduction of police officer Zhao who handled her case, we met police officer Wang, the anti fraud pioneer of West Lake District, and reviewed the 90 minutes of that afternoon together.

Several points are worth noting:

① Create emotional gap

Under Shen Jue's repeated inquiries, "customer service A" changed her attitude, and more professional "customer service B" was immediately connected. This gap left her emotionally flustered. She didn't have too much time to think, and unconsciously kept listening.

The ultimate purpose of this practice is to break the arrogance of the victim and make the victim suspect that he may have made a mistake and got into trouble.

② Share screen

The so-called shared screen for "security" and "supervision" is actually only used for monitoring to ensure that every step of real-time monitoring of victims is carried out as planned.

More importantly, when Shen Jue later checked the micro loan and bank apps, the fraudster could find out the maximum loan amount and deposit on each platform.

"If you can't get the loan, the fraudster will not waste time and adjust the plan and cash in time," police officer Wang said.

③ Establish "trust"

In order to ensure a sense of trust, the fraudster will provide the victim with many experiences of "the other party is really reliable", such as successfully closing the loan functions such as "micro loan". Sending messages to the CBRC is also maintaining professional and formal staffing, and paving the way for subsequent remittance to the "CBRC security account".

At the same time, Shen Jue had doubts many times during the operation. But the cheater always sends relevant documents, customer service ID cards, ID cards and other information in the JD customer service chat interface to dispel her doubts.

④ Overconfidence

As for praising people's intelligence, on the one hand, it also delays the reaction time of the victims, on the other hand, it is probably a kind of black humor.

"Two words, confidence, four words, overconfidence." Police officer Wang answered the reason why the post-80s and post-90s people with high education in minibuses are easy to be cheated.

As the first generation of online generation in the true sense, the post-80s and post-90s generation enjoy the convenience of the Internet. At the same time, they are more accustomed to and rely on the Internet to live.

On the other hand, as a group of people who have received higher education and accumulated certain wealth and experience, we often think that simple information screening is easy.

However, the real crisis is not that cheats are everywhere, but that we ignore their existence.

For example, when it comes to fraud calls, the first response is an overseas call starting at 00. The fraud gang is a group of people who even speak non-standard Mandarin.

The fact is that Shen Jue received a fraud phone number of 11 digits starting with 170, and the other party said all her orders and other specific information in Jingdong in standard and fluent Mandarin.

Of course, the self-confidence of highly educated people is only a trigger for fraud cases. More importantly, there are special schemes tailored by fraud gangs for different groups, as well as one to many scale differences.

Police officer Wang said: "The current case is not like the old one that used to spread the net. You will be happy if you cheat hundreds of thousands of people. Now you are ready."

⑤ No privacy

Remember the message Shen Jue received on the JD customer service chat interface? I believe readers have found that the sender is herself.

But in fact, this was not sent by Shen Jue himself, but the liar logged into her JD account to operate. Unfortunately, she was dazzled by the first four factors at that time, and did not find this detail. It was always the default that JD customer service was sending messages.

With the development of Internet technology, the disclosure of privacy is more "comprehensive".

Ten years ago, only personal identity information could be connected by mobile phone number. Nowadays, a mobile phone number means family relationships, shopping lists, biological information, and even the registration passwords of various platforms.

After mastering the private information of the victim, the fraud gang can use AI technology to conduct a large amount of data analysis and in-depth learning, and can accurately learn their consumption habits, preferences, psychology and even personality, so as to formulate a special fraud scheme in a short time.

Behind this series of strict operations is a professional team with clear division of labor.

In February 2021, the Guangzhou police captured a telecommunications fraud criminal gang. In addition to the operators, there are 5 technical backbones in the team, including 3 postgraduates and 2 undergraduates, all of whom are related to computer and information technology.  

Speaking of this, Officer Wang took a deep look at Shen Jue: "The other side has all your information, and a whole team comes prepared, but you are just an unprepared person. How can you fight? They can only take you away."

It seems that I can feel the intention of Officer Wang. I was not cheated. Maybe it's just that your customized scheme is still on the way. If you are cheated like Shen Jue, please don't blame yourself. You are unarmed and face a professional team with excellent equipment.

   "100 seconds is too slow"

"Since the bank card is a real name system, if you know who I am transferring to, why can't you take it as a clue to arrest?" As the interview drew to a close, Shen Jue, who has been describing the case and listening in silence, raised the only question - after the incident, she was told at the public security bureau that "stop loss failed".

Police officer Wang said that the strange account Shen Jue transferred was probably just an ordinary person: "A liar will use ordinary people's ID cards to apply for bank cards. Generally, a liar holds hundreds of cards from different regions."

Once the fraud money is recorded, it will be transferred out to multiple bank cards simultaneously within 5 minutes, and then such subdivided transfers will be carried out at least three times.

"Suppose five bank cards are transferred out each time, five for the first time, five for the second time, and five for each... The money is washed away in the process of continuous diffusion and transfer, and finally the 'drivers' in the fraud team go to the ATM machine in a small place to withdraw the money." Police officer Wang gave a detailed introduction to the flow of the fraud money, "Sometimes the captured fraudsters don't know where the money is going, and each card has a different territory, so they often track down and can only find ordinary people."

Therefore, Police Officer Wang specially instructed: "If you are really cheated, you should take your mobile phone to the nearest police station to report the case and stop the loss as soon as possible, because the time will be delayed when the police come to pick up and return to the station, and you must stop it before the money is dispersed."

In addition to the difficulty of recovering the money lost by the victims, the arrest of the fraud gang is also a big project.

"Generally, the fraud phone number starts with 00 or 010. Like the 170 you receive, it seems to be a mobile phone number, but in fact many mobile phones will hide the 00 at the beginning, which brings confusion to the victims," said Wang.

 The seized telephone card involved in the case The seized telephone card involved in the case

According to the Research Report on Preventing New Internet Fraud in 2021, in recent years many fraud gangs have moved their fraud dens abroad, focusing on North Myanmar, Cambodia and other Southeast Asian countries.

When it comes to transnational cases, evidence collection, action deployment, international cooperation and so on have become difficult problems: "It is easy to arrest people, but the process of solving the case is difficult, and the core figures of the fraud gang are very cunning. In addition to the impact of the epidemic, it is even more difficult to arrest people outside the country. It is not possible to find a small minion and act, because he is involved in a whole gang of gangsters."

According to Xinhua News Agency, there are more than 1.5 million people engaged in illegal online industries in China. In 2020, Deng Mou, a fraud criminal in Hunan Province who was captured, used 16 Dokabao, 14 mobile power supplies, more than 20 mobile communication cards, and 4 mobile phones to create a virtual base station platform for telecommunications fraud. It is extremely difficult to track the location of the outgoing equipment through only one phone number.

Of course, for these difficulties, the forces behind us are also working hard:

◎ On October 10, 2020, the State Council held an inter ministerial joint meeting on combating new types of crimes committed by telecommunications networks, and decided to carry out the "card breaking" action nationwide. That is, the mobile phone cards and bank cards of people with false names should be rectified.

◎ In June 2021, the National Anti fraud Center App will be launched to reduce the risk of telecom fraud from the mobile end of users. Up to now, the number of downloaded apps of the National Anti fraud Center has reached 1.2 billion.

◎ On April 18, 2022, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Work of Cracking Down on the Illegal Crime of Telecommunication Network Fraud, making arrangements for strengthening the work of cracking down on the illegal crime of telecommunication network fraud.

◎ On April 21, 2022, the Supreme People's Procuratorate released typical cases of combating and governing telecom network fraud and related crimes, emphasizing that the punishment of infringement of citizens' personal information will be the key work of combating and governing telecom network fraud crimes.

When implemented locally, anti fraud police officers like Officer Wang are also heartbroken: "We work hard to promote anti fraud, hoping to cut off telecommunications fraud at the source, which is the most clean and efficient way." He said that the most effective way of anti fraud is to improve the awareness of self risk control of individuals and groups. Whether telecommunications fraud, financial fraud or other forms of fraud, once it occurs, the police are in a passive state.

"At the beginning of last year, we set up an early warning and anti fraud center 96110, which can monitor whether people in the city have received suspicious calls. For example, if the call lasts more than 100 seconds, we will predict that you have been cheated. The anti fraud police will immediately remind you by text message and phone call, or even directly come to the door to dissuade you."

Just when the minibus sighed about the speed of the police, Officer Wang bowed his head slightly and sighed and continued: "The speed is very slow. It can talk for more than 100 seconds, which shows that he (she) has believed the liar's words."


Dramatically, just one day before Shen Jue was cheated, the anti fraud police from the local police station of the street where the company belongs paid a visit and said that at present, young people with high education in their 30s have become the most vulnerable group to be cheated.

"I don't think I'm likely to be cheated," said a colleague, which was Shen Jue's psychology at that time.

Like a stag in his prime, his head looks like sharp antlers, holding his head high to see all dangers. The post-80s and post-90s generation with high education are relatively "strong" in the social group. Common sense, experience and knowledge cannot be said to be the richest, but they always feel it is a joke for the bad tricks in social news.

However, the poachers are adjusting the lasso to target the fat and strong stag. When the stag understood what was going on, he breathed fresh air, and the sense of chaos dissipated, he found that the scar on his neck was turned over, which was shocking.

(Statement: This article only represents the author's view, not's position.)

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