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The opening price of Baosteel warrants is finalized 15:45, August 20, 2005 Evening News

Evening News Baosteel Warrant will be in Shanghai on August 22

negotiable securities The Exchange is listed. Shanghai Stock Exchange has determined the opening reference price of Baosteel warrants as 0.688 yuan.

Guotai Jun'an pointed out that the opening reference price is the theoretical price calculated according to the relevant pricing model, which is only the benchmark used to calculate the rise and fall of Baosteel warrants on the day, and does not represent the actual opening price or guidance price. The actual opening price will be generated by investors' bidding transactions.

According to the regulations adopted at the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of Baosteel in 2005

Non tradable shares The relevant parameters selected for the relevant contents of the main terms of the warrant in the reform plan are: the exercise price of the warrant is 4.50 yuan, the remaining duration of the warrant is 374 days, the risk-free yield is 3.30%, and the underlying
The current price is 4.62 yuan, and the volatility of the underlying stock is 30.10%. The theoretical value of Baosteel warrants is determined to be 0.688 yuan, which is used as the opening reference price.

Author: □ Shang Zheng

   Love Ask (iAsk. com)

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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