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Shanghai Stock Exchange has basically determined the list of warrant pilot companies 05:35, June 16, 2005 Shanghai Securities News Online

The reporter learned from relevant channels that the first warrant product of Shanghai Stock Exchange will be linked to the pilot reform of non tradable shares. At present, SSE has basically determined a list of listed companies that intend to launch warrant products to carry out the pilot reform of non tradable shares.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange recently released the draft of the Interim Measures of the Shanghai Stock Exchange for the Administration of Warrant Business. This means that warrants have taken another big step towards substantive operation. According to a person from the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Shanghai Stock Exchange hopes to launch the first warrant product to cooperate with the pilot reform of non tradable shares. In the previous stage, the work of SSE warrants was small
Some staff of the Group and the Listing Department have gone to various parts of the country to contact some blue chip companies with excellent performance.

It is reported that the SSE has made a detailed report to the CSRC on its plans to carry out warrant business in the near future, which has been recognized by the CSRC. At present, the development of the warrant trading system involved in SSE has been basically completed. According to the plan of SSE, the Interim Measures of Shanghai Stock Exchange for the Administration of Warrant Business after soliciting opinions is expected to be officially introduced at the end of June. Then, a month long online test of the counter trading system of securities traders' warrants will be carried out.

Author: reporter Zhang Wei

(Source: Shanghai Securities News)

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