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Notice on Matters Related to the Creation of Guizhou Moutai Warrants by Securities Firms 00:00, May 25, 2006 China Securities Network - Shanghai Securities News

All member units:

Guizhou Maotai Put Warrants (transaction abbreviation: "Maotai JCP1", transaction code: "580990", exercise abbreviation: "ES070529", exercise code: "582990") will be traded on the Exchange on May 30, 2006. Qualified securities companies can create the same kind of Guizhou Maotai put warrants in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Notice on Matters Related to the Creation of WISCO Warrants by Securities Companies issued by the Exchange. The created warrants can be traded on June 2, 2006.

It is hereby notified.

Shanghai Stock Exchange

May 24, 2006


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