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Celebrities of NPC and CPPCC 03:05, March 8, 2006 China Securities Network - Shanghai Securities News

Shanghai Securities News reporter Yu Gang

Beijing News The Shanghai Securities News has sent 11 reporters to the report team of the "luxury" lineup of the two sessions - everyone is a "star follower". However, all the "stars" they pursue are economists.

The reform and opening up has entered into depth, the new rural construction has begun, macro-control has become more skilled, and government functions have continued
Clearly, these macroeconomic policies need economists to interpret and predict; Banking reform, overseas listing of state-owned enterprises, capital market construction, RMB exchange rate... these hot issues also need professional analysis by economists; Whether the house price will decline, it is difficult to buy a house, see a doctor, and it is difficult for rural children to go to school... These economic problems that occur around the people, ordinary readers need economists to dispel the fog and guide them.

Just because more and more economic policies concern each of us and more and more people care about the national policies, economists at the NPC and CPPCC have become the targets of journalists everywhere they go.

Thus, there was Wu Jinglian's criticism that the government had too much power in allocating resources, and there was Lin Yifu's "record" of advancing 10 meters in 25 minutes under the "chasing and blocking" of reporters; With the spectacular scene of Xiao Zhuoji answering the questions of 50 journalists

A reader sent an email to the hotline of Shanghai Securities News: We must help us bring these problems to economists! Readers want us to follow the "star", and we are willing to obey.

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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