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Shanghai Airport Put Warrants will be traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange today 01:11, March 7, 2006 Oriental Morning Post

Morning Post reporter Chen Qijue

Shanghai Stock Exchange announced yesterday that Shanghai Airport ( information quotation forum ) Put warrants will be traded on the Exchange from today, and qualified securities companies can create the same type of Shanghai Airport Warrants according to relevant regulations. Analysts pointed out that due to the fact that the warrant is in the CMB warrant ( information quotation forum ) After the listing, today's trading limit is almost impossible.

According to SSE, the transaction code of the warrant is "580996", the transaction is referred to as "Shanghai Market JTP1", and the exercise code is "582996". A qualified securities company may create the same type of Shanghai Airport Warrant in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Notice on Matters Related to the Creation of WISCO Warrants by Securities Companies issued by the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The created warrants can be traded on March 10.

The initial circulation scale of Shanghai Airport put warrants reached 568 million. Add the CMB put warrants (580997) and Valin Pipeline listed last week ( information quotation forum ) Put warrants (038003), the number of trading varieties in the warrant market has increased to 10, and the overall scale of the warrant market will also exceed 7 billion. Among them, only the three warrants of Shanghai Airport, China Merchants Bank and Valin Pipeline have a total circulation of 3.441 billion, accounting for 87% of the total issuance of seven warrants last year, and China Merchants Bank also set a new high in the issuance and circulation of single warrants. At the same time, OCT ( information quotation forum ) Certificate, G Changdian ( information quotation forum ) The warrants have also been approved by the general meeting of shareholders and are awaiting listing. Handan Steel ( information quotation forum ) Baotou Steel ( information quotation forum ) Raw water shares ( information quotation forum ) , Youngor ( information quotation forum ) Yili Shares ( information quotation forum ) Wuliangye ( information quotation forum ) Qingdao Haier ( information quotation forum ) The other 7 companies also recently announced the share reform plan with warrants. Warrant trading varieties are expected to double in the short term. "The listing of the Shanghai Airport Warrant today is' untimely '." Li Guanzheng, a warrant researcher at Guotai Jun'an Securities Research Institute, said yesterday that because the listing of the CMB warrants last week impacted the entire warrant market, coupled with the relatively high equity price of the Shanghai Airport Warrant, it is definitely impossible for the warrant to rise or fall today. But the advantage of the warrant is that the price will remain relatively stable in the future. "Because the issuance of this warrant is relatively small, and the quality of its positive shares is by no means the best, the warrant may still be worth a little money after the one-year duration, rather than almost certainly not worth a penny like the CMB warrant."

He also said that the situation of the Shanghai Airport Warrant was similar to that of the Valin Pipeline Warrant. Judging from the performance of the latter, the price of the Shanghai Airport Warrant may be around 2.7 yuan today.


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