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Industry insiders believe that the creation of three warrants in Shenzhen Stock Exchange has no deadline 02:36, December 15, 2005 Shanghai Securities News Online

Shanghai Securities News reporter Ye Zhan

Vanke Warrants, Steel Vanadium Warrants and Ansteel Warrants in Shenzhen Stock Exchange have not been established since they were listed for 7 trading days. The insiders believe that a series of signs show that the possibility of the establishment of three warrants in Shenzhen Stock Exchange is getting smaller and smaller.

The three warrants of Shenzhen Stock Exchange have already indicated the possibility of creation in the listing announcement. They said in the announcement that if there is a shutdown
The issuance of covered warrants or the creation of warrants in accordance with the relevant rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange may have an impact on the transaction price of warrants. Immediately, Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued the creation rules.

Based on this, the market believes that if the prices of Shenzhen Stock Exchange's three warrants are high enough after listing, the relevant securities companies will start the creation mechanism. But so far, the creation of these three warrants has disappeared.

Is it unprofitable? Brokers gave a negative answer. A person from a securities firm said that the prices of the three warrants in Shenzhen Stock Exchange are still at a high level. If they can be created, the benefits are far greater than the risks. with

Ansteel For example, the price of warrants is 2.24 yuan, while the price of regular shares is 3.9 yuan. If you buy a share of G Ansteel and create a warrant to sell, the securities dealer is equivalent to holding G Ansteel at a cost of less than 1.7 yuan, and the risk is quite small.

The relevant securities companies said that they were also waiting for the Shenzhen Stock Exchange to officially launch the creation mechanism of warrants, but it seemed that there was no sign of launching it in the short term.


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