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Warrant clearing participants can choose agency or guarantee clearing 07:23, August 22, 2005 China Securities Journal

   39 more securities firms have become qualified clearing participants for warrant purchase

Reporter Xia Lihua reports from Beijing


negotiable securities The registration and clearing company has recently issued a notice specifying that the clearing participants who have obtained the warrant trading qualification but have not obtained the warrant settlement qualification can choose the agency settlement mode or the guaranteed settlement mode.

Zhongdeng Company also announced the list of 39 brokers who became the second batch of qualified clearing participants for warrant purchase. So far, 129 institutions have obtained this qualification, including 102 brokers. The 39 brokers are Hongyuan, Xingye, Founder, First Venture, Guosheng, Century, Guolian, Hua'an, Ping'an, Guoyuan, Jinxin, Huaxi, Minsheng, Shanxi, Huaxia, Yinhe, Beijing, Hualong, Hengtai, Xinjiang, Zhongguancun, Xiangcai, Tianyi, Lianxun, Qilu, Jintong, Sanjiangyuan, Guangzhou, Hebei Caida, Xintai, Zhongshan, Xing'an, Chengdu, Kunlun Taiyang, Fortune, Jiangnan, Northwest, China Science and Technology.

The Notice on Issues Related to Agency or Guaranteed Settlement of Warrants stipulates that when selecting the agency settlement mode, the settlement participants can choose partial agency settlement mode, that is, the participants without warrant settlement qualification can use a special seat to handle warrant purchase transactions, and all securities transactions in this seat are settled through the settlement account of the agent participants, Other seat transactions are still settled in the name of the company; The comprehensive agency settlement mode can also be selected, that is, all securities transaction settlement and other non transaction settlement of participants without warrant settlement qualification will be settled through the settlement account of the agent participants, and will no longer be used as a settlement participant to carry out settlement business in the name of itself in Zhongdeng Company. In addition, the settlement participants can also choose the guaranteed settlement mode, that is, the participants without warrant settlement qualification (the guaranteed party) can sign the warrant guarantee settlement agreement with the participants with warrant settlement qualification (the guarantors), specifying that the guarantors shall bear the responsibility for the guaranteed settlement in the event that the warrant transactions of the guaranteed party cannot be settled, The clearing company has the right to deduct the funds in the guarantor's proprietary reserve account or proprietary securities to perform the obligation of guaranteed delivery.

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