Finance Sina homepage > Finance and Economics > Focus perspective > Full listing records of Baosteel warrants> text

Share price rose by 10 cents, warrant rose by 6 points 05:15, August 22, 2005 Sichuan Online - West China Metropolis Daily

Hu Jia, a warrant expert of Deding Investment, pointed out that the DELTA value of Baosteel's warrants was about 0.6038-0.6338, that is, Baosteel shares rose 0.1 yuan, and the warrants rose 0.0603-0.0634 yuan, with an increase of

shares 4.90-5 times the increase. Theoretically, if Baosteel shares rose by the ceiling the next day, the warrant price could rise by more than 70% at most.

Hu Jia suggested that investors should do more T+0 and take advantage of the large volatility of warrant prices to make short differences. It is not recommended to hold warrants continuously. A stop loss point should be set up for the short term, and it is recommended to set it at about 25% of the buying price. However, it should also be noted that warrants are invested at the beginning of listing
It has a great opportunity, sometimes it does not fluctuate with the stock price, showing a negative correlation effect, and even it will rise when the stock falls. (Liu Gang)

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Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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