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Practical skills: warrant investment depends on time-sharing K line 09:48, August 24, 2005 Nanfang Metropolis Daily

The popular K line technique in stock investment cannot be simply applied to warrant investment, such as low price Changyang buying and high price Changyin selling. As warrants are a typical short-term speculative product, it is necessary to focus on the time-sharing K line rather than the daily K line when participating.

In general, when the daily K line of warrants has a long positive line, it means that it is close to selling time, and it is often too late to consider selling when there is a long negative line. In warrant investment, the daily K-line analysis should be placed at a secondary position, with 5 points in the time-sharing K-line
Zhong K line and 15 minute K line are the main analysis objects.

In the K line analysis, investors use the daily K line most, followed by weekly and monthly K lines, and use the time-sharing K line less. Many people think that the time-sharing K-line changes too fast and is the most suitable for short-term experts to use. In fact, even if investors participate in medium and long-term investment, they cannot do without the research and judgment of the time-sharing K-line, because any investment requires trading operations. In warrant investment, time-sharing K line can enable investors to better grasp investment opportunities.

The time-sharing K line plays three main roles in warrant investment: 1. The time-sharing K line helps investors analyze the trend of warrants from a micro perspective, and is a supplement to the analysis of warrant market. 2. It can help investors accurately judge the trading opportunity of warrants. 3. It can provide effective help at the initial stage of the listing of investment warrants.

The combination of time-sharing K-line analysis and other analysis methods can achieve better investment results, and the combination of time-sharing K-line and moving average is the most critical. When the time-sharing K line crosses multiple moving averages at the fastest speed (usually one or two time-sharing K lines), it can be bought decisively; When the time-sharing K line falls through multiple moving averages at the fastest speed (usually one or two time-sharing K lines), you should sell firmly.

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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