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Shenzhen Stock Exchange Launches the Rules for the Creation of Warrants. Only the newly created warrant T+2 can be sold 02:22, December 2, 2005 China Securities Network - Shanghai Securities News

Huang Jintao, intern reporter of Shanghai Securities News

  There is a limit on the number of new warrants created every day. Only when the number of new warrants is T+2 can they be sold

Shenzhen News Shenzhen Stock Exchange released today《 Notice on Matters Related to the Creation of Warrants by Securities Companies 》On the eve of the listing of the three warrants, the establishment of relevant matters was clarified.

First, SZSE has limited the number of warrants that can be created every day. Shenzhen Stock Exchange stipulates that if the initial issuance of warrants is less than 600 million, the number of warrants that can be created on that day should not exceed 300 million; If the initial issuance of warrants is more than 600 million, the number of warrants that can be created on that day shall not exceed 50% of the initial issuance.

Secondly, the total amount of creation warrants has also been limited. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange stipulates that the sum of the created warrants and the same type of warrants of the same underlying securities multiplied by the exercise ratio shall not exceed 100% of the underlying securities with unlimited sales conditions.

Third, investors have more time to respond to the creation. Shenzhen Stock Exchange stipulates that the newly created warrants on T day will be announced online on the same day, and can only be sold on T+2 day. This gives small and medium-sized investors more ample time to decide how to dispose of their warrants.

Fourth, it is more convenient for remote creators to create. SZSE stipulates that the founder shall designate two professionals as the liaison person, authorize them to be responsible for the liaison with SZSE and the clearing company, and handle the business related to the creation of warrants on behalf of the founder.

Fifth, the order of warrant creation is more fair and reasonable. Shenzhen Stock Exchange stipulates that the warrants created on different dates shall be in the order of creation according to the dates. For warrants created on the same day, those with a large number of warrants created are deemed to be created first, and those with the same number of warrants created are determined by drawing lots.

Sixth, strengthened the information disclosure of warrant creation. The warrant originator shall make an announcement online on the day of creation and cancellation. In addition, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange will disclose the creation and cancellation of warrants, trading conditions and the number of warrants that can be created on the next trading day in accordance with the types of warrants on the website of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and after the closing of each trading day.

   Relevant notice:

   Notice on Matters Related to the Creation of Warrants by Securities Companies


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