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G Announcement of CITIC cancelling the put warrant of WISCO 04:43, February 22, 2006 Shanghai Stock Exchange


According to the relevant notice issued by Shanghai Stock Exchange, CITIC Securities ( information quotation forum ) Co., Ltd. applies to Shanghai Stock Exchange for cancellation of WISCO ( information quotation forum ) The put warrants have been approved, and China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited Shanghai Branch has gone through the corresponding procedures. The number of put warrants of WISCO shares approved to be cancelled by the company this time is 40 million, and the terms of the warrants are the same as the original WISCO put warrants (transaction abbreviation: WISCO JTP1 ( information quotation forum ) . Transaction code: 580999, exercise code: 582999).

This cancellation of the company

Wuhan Iron & Steel The effective date of the put warrant is February 20, 2006.

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