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People's Heart in the House: A Thousand Two Year Trial 16:53, August 17, 2005 Xiangcai Securities


negotiable securities

When the stock index broke through yesterday's high point, more than 30 non ST shares in both cities went up and down, which can be seen from the popularity of the market. Individual stocks will become more active when the market moves up in the future. After looking at it, Sister Bai said to everyone: Now the market rising pattern has been established, and the callback is a good opportunity to enter the market. Everyone should seize the opportunity!

Xiaoma also said that on Wednesday, the two markets first suppressed and then rose, and the trend was positive over negative. The hot spots in the session are also rising one after another, and the market will rise 1200 points in the future. Now that the rising space of the stock index has been opened, everyone should actively participate! In the future, the stock index will continue to rise in the form of shock, and the individual stock market will become more active.

Xiao Jian said after listening, "At this time, we can focus on the science and technology sectors where the low price increases little, such as Gannan Fruit Industry."( information quotation forum )(000829)。

The company is a large media enterprise in the central region of China. After it became the owner of China News Development Shenzhen Company, it vigorously developed the emerging communication network industry relying on the strong strength of major shareholders. At the same time, the company also launched the flagship store of "Tianyin Infinite Space" with the concept of "3G" in Huaqiang North, the most prosperous area in Shenzhen, which makes the company's 3G theme very impressive. Recently, the company has invested a huge amount of capital to increase its Yitianyi Dynamic Digital Company and Tianyin Technology Company have greatly improved the strength of the two companies. With the gradual approaching of the 3G era with hundreds of billions of yuan in China, the company has broad prospects for future development. In addition, the company's Shenzhen Tianyin Communication has cooperated with Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Alcatel and other world communication giants, and become their dealers or agents, making the company move Mobile communication products and telecom value-added services have grown rapidly, and the formation of a nationwide marketing network has made the company seize every opportunity to move The first opportunity of telephone sales.

In addition, as the leading enterprise of citrus industrialization in China, the company has one of the top 500 beverage factories in China and the largest pesticide manufacturer in Jiangxi Province. The strong support of national policies for agriculture has led to the rapid development of the company's agricultural industry. Its unique Gannan navel orange has a strong competitive advantage in the national fruit industry. At the same time, the company's white wine industry also

the height is 55.15% wool
interest rate
Shows strong profitability. With the production of the "Ganzhou Green Navel Orange Industrialization Demonstration Project", the high-tech agriculture of the company will enter a golden period of rapid development.

Old Sun also nodded and said: after a long decline, the current share price of this stock is less than 4 yuan, which is extremely inconsistent with its identity as a technology stock. The future rise space is extremely broad, and the market for future price supplement is about to start, so I should focus on it.

   Love Ask (iAsk. com)

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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