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The big shareholders of G Guangkong lost a battle of 1 billion yuan, and the fund for protecting the market was exhausted 03:29, August 26, 2005 China Business Daily


Guangzhou Development Group has increased its shareholding to over 78%

Our reporter Huo Yuli is from Guangzhou

Two days after the armistice, yesterday, G Guangkong( information quotation forum )(600098. SH) The battle between Guangzhou Development Group, the major shareholder, and the empty side continued. At 13:53 yesterday afternoon, in the face of continuous selling, Guangzhou Development Group
The 1 billion yuan protection fund was finally exhausted. As a result, the stock price of G Guangkong was suppressed to 4.29 yuan, and 417 million yuan was traded throughout the day. Guangzhou Development Group has increased its holdings of about 230 million shares in this battle for protection, accounting for 11.19% of the total capital stock of G Guangzhou Holdings, which has reached 78.18%, about 4 percentage points higher than the 74% before the share reform.

Having learned the lesson of being attacked by the bears on the first day of resumption of trading and consuming 657 million yuan of protection funds in one day, Guangzhou Development Group changed its strategy and took the initiative to attack again and again yesterday. However, as the selling did not decrease, the remaining 343 million yuan of protection funds of Guangzhou Development Group were used up before 14:00 p.m., and the stock price returned to below the protection price of 4.35 yuan again.

The relevant personnel of Guangzhou Development Group confirmed to the First Financial Daily that after two trading days of fighting, the original 1 billion yuan of capital has been used to increase the shares of G Guangzhou Holdings, and Guangzhou Development Group has kept its commitment in the reform plan of the non tradable shares of G Guangzhou Holdings. Today, G Guangkong has issued an announcement to confirm this news.

How to dispose of increased shares

After this round of market protection campaign, Guangzhou Development Group now holds 78.18% of all the shares of G Guangzhou Holdings, and the public shares are less than 25%, which is lower than the requirement in the Company Law that the public shares of listed companies should not be less than 25%. In this regard, He Ming, assistant general manager of G Guangkong, said that according to the Interim Regulations on the Administration of Stock Issuance and Trading issued by the State Council in 1993, for listed companies with total shares of more than 400 million yuan,

CSRC The proportion of the public will be reduced as appropriate, but at least 10%. As for G Guangzhou Holdings, the proportion is no less than 15%, so at present, G Guangzhou Holdings does not have the problem of terminating its listing for this reason.

What will be done to the increased shares six months after the resale is prohibited? The relevant person in charge of Guangzhou Development Group said that at present, there is no specific plan, but after the completion of the share increase, Guangzhou Development Group will start to study this issue, but Guangzhou Development Group is very confident about the operation of G Guangzhou Holdings. Even if it is held for a long time, it is also a good choice to obtain shareholders' equity through dividends.

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G Guangkong yesterday's market record

At the opening yesterday, Guangzhou Development Group took the initiative to buy more than 8 million shares, bringing the share price of G Guangzhou Holdings back to 4.37 yuan. But the short side did not stop at this point, but continued to sell stocks in an attempt to depress the stock price. However, this time, the strength of the major shareholders' response was stronger than that of the first day. At 9:35, five minutes later, they began to enter the market and tried their best to resist the pressure of the empty side to drive down the stock price when they repeatedly placed orders. With the full support of Guangzhou Development Group, a major shareholder, the stock price of G Guangzhou Holdings remained above the protection price of 4.35 yuan before the market closed yesterday morning.

Since the buyer is so determined to accept the offer, the seller is certainly more willing to sell. After the opening of the market at 13:00 yesterday afternoon, the air side took the initiative to attack again, and pressed the stock price with large orders successively. At this time, Guangzhou Development Group's 1 billion yuan protection fund was nearly exhausted. At 13:49, the major shareholders finally gave a free hand and bought nearly 20 million shares consecutively. After using up all the remaining funds, they were forced to stop protecting the market.

After Guangzhou Development Group ran out of ammunition, the stock price of G Guangzhou Holdings fell rapidly, reaching a minimum of 4.22 yuan. However, the short side also stopped further selling after seeing that the funds of major shareholders were exhausted. At last, G Guangzhou Holdings closed at 4.29 yuan yesterday, ending the first major shareholder battle against the empty side since the split share structure reform.

The seller took advantage of the commitment made by the major shareholders of G Guangzhou Holdings in the share trading reform plan to quickly sell against the protection price, forcing the major shareholders to take over with 1 billion yuan. Market insiders agree that before the reform of the split share structure of Guangzhou G Holdings, the top ten shareholders of tradable shares were all institutional investors, which were typical institutional heavy positions. Therefore, this battle is likely to be an opportunity for institutional investors to cash in. If this statement is true, these institutional investors have obviously achieved their goals.

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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