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The major shareholders' truce lasted for two days, and G Guangzhou Holdings continued to fall 13:23, August 24, 2005 Nan Fang Daily


News from our newspaper (reporter Jia Xiaoming) G Guangkong( information quotation forum )(600098) The fierce battle between the long and short sides the day before yesterday has aroused widespread concern in the market (see yesterday's Japanese version for details), and the new problems caused by the major shareholders' performance of their commitments being subject to the barriers of the trading system have also become a focus topic.

Guangzhou Development Group, the major shareholder of Guangzhou Holdings, announced yesterday that on August 22, it increased its stake in the secondary market

shares The amount is about 151 million shares, accounting for 7.35% of the total capital stock of G Guangkong. The total amount of increased holding capital used is about 657 million yuan, which can be used by major shareholders
There is another 343 million yuan to protect the market.

Yesterday, G Guangzhou Holdings opened at 4.30 yuan, lower than the commitment price of major shareholders, but Development Group did not offer protection. The company said that it would connect with China

CSRC Urgent notice: according to the provisions of Article 79 of the Securities Law, the Development Group increased its holdings of G Guangzhou Holdings by more than 5% on August 22, and may not buy or sell G Guangzhou Holdings shares again within two trading days after the announcement.

There was no major shareholder commitment, and the surging sales orders on the market did not reappear yesterday. The total transaction amount was only 83.4722 million yuan, which was only 1/10 of the previous day's transaction amount. According to insiders, during the fierce battle between short and long positions the day before yesterday, the short sellers did not take the initiative to suppress the share price of G Guangkong. However, when the Development Group took the initiative to protect the shares, a large number of sales came out, which was obviously not the sales of small and medium-sized investors. It is obvious that there are funds to use the opportunity of large shareholders to protect the plate for shipment.

Although the G plate has cooled recently, there are not many pilot companies that have large shareholders' commitment to protect the market, why does Guangkong become the target of speculative funds? In an interview with a reporter, a person from the company's investor relations department said that "there is no problem with the company's fundamentals". Some market participants are worried that from the current situation of G Guangzhou Holdings, the guarantee price promised by major shareholders is not absolutely reliable, which may have a negative impact on the subsequent process of share reform.

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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