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CSRC has investigated Zhongfu Industrial Company to clarify the incident of detaining shareholder card 09:34, August 19, 2005 Beijing Times


At the time when the second batch of pilot companies for share reform were about to close, Zhongfu Industry was heard from the market( information quotation forum )For the share reform plan can be passed, 20 million employee shares were forcibly withheld. According to the original schedule, Zhongfu Industry will hold a shareholders' meeting today to review the share reform plan. The temporary incident has buried hidden dangers for the final approval of the company's share reform plan. At present, the CSRC has investigated the incident.

   The stock reform ended, causing trouble

It is understood that some investors bought the internal staff shares of Zhongfu Industry from the primary and semi market, and the shares were listed and circulated on June 20 this year. According to relevant regulations, investors who purchase internal employee shares should take ID cards and other relevant certificates to Zhongfu Industrial to change their holding cards. However, when investors contacted Zhongfu Industrial many times to request the replacement of their holding cards, the company refused to change the cards for shareholders for various reasons.

Obviously, without the shareholder card, the right to vote normally will be lost. According to public data, Zhongfu Industrial has only about 100 million shares of outstanding capital stock, and 24.57 million shares of staff shares. And Zhongfu Industry is almost all the stocks held by retail investors. Now, Zhongfu Industry holds 20 million shares of voting rights, so it can be said that the approval of the share reform plan is a sure thing. It is worth noting that prior to this, most shareholders said they would vote against the plan because the company's plan was low.

Therefore, some shareholders of internal staff shares believe that the move of Zhongfu Industry is obviously to prevent the holders of these internal staff shares from exercising their voting rights when voting on the consideration scheme, so as to let the most stingy scheme of giving away one for ten pass the test.

Since the pilot work of share reform was fully launched at the end of April this year, listed companies have been able to go through five hurdles and cut six generals, all the way smoothly. As the second batch of pilot companies for share reform neared the end of their business, Zhongfu Industrial seized its shareholder card. According to the reporter, the CSRC has now investigated the incident, not only asking Zhongfu Industry for relevant information, but also asking Zhongfu Industry to explain relevant issues to the CSRC in writing. As for whether the results can be found, it is impossible to judge at present.

   The company came forward to clarify

Yesterday, the reporter asked Mr. Wu, the director of Zhongfu Industry, who was responsible for the share reform. He told reporters that some of the shareholders' reports only described the results of the event, ignoring the process. The replacement of shareholder account card must require complete certificates, and some shareholders did not provide valid certificates, so the replacement conditions are not met. In addition, after the listing of internal employee shares, some employees privately transfer their shares with a third party. Strictly speaking, this is illegal. Therefore, a considerable number of shareholders who want to change their cards do not actually have their names on the register of shareholders.

According to the reporter, so far, the issue of card exchange for the holders of "internal employee shares" has not been resolved. In response to this problem, some market analysts believe that, although it is impossible to judge which is right and which is wrong between listed companies and shareholders from the current perspective, it is undeniable that there will always be some disharmonious factors in the process of implementing the share reform, including some problems such as disagreement between major shareholders and listed companies due to distribution problems, However, the problem of Zhongfu Industry was announced to the public, and if this problem is not highly valued by the management, there will be similar problems after the implementation of a large number of share reform in the future.

   The voting was held as scheduled

Zhongfu Industry is a listed company in Gongyi, Henan, whose main business is electrolytic aluminum. As the last of the second batch of share reform companies to throw out the plan, Zhongfu Industrial's share reform plan of giving one share for every 10 shares surprised investors once it was unveiled. Zhang Hongen, the chairman of Zhongfu, explained that the large shareholders of Zhongfu Industry had high shareholding costs, so they did not have the conditions for a large proportion of shares.

This explanation is obviously too far fetched. Therefore, at the previous online communication meeting, most of the shareholders of tradable shares said they would vote against it. This time, the incident of detaining the shareholder card again buried doubts about whether the share reform plan could be successfully passed today.

In this regard, Mr. Wu, who is in charge of the share reform in the company, also expressed his frustration. According to him, the date of the shareholders' meeting is approaching, but since most of the company's circulating shareholders are retail investors, a considerable number of circulating shareholders have not yet been able to contact, and the company cannot predict whether the share reform plan will be recognized.

According to the reporter, the company's shareholders' meeting will be held today as usual, and the online statistical results will be released after being counted by the Exchange tonight.  

Related reports:

     The scandal of Zhongfu Industrial's share reform is to privately withhold 20 million employee shares

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Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.

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