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Portfolio Usage Guide 09:54, July 24, 2000 Sina Finance

1、 Main purpose and function

1. Record and sort out your stock transactions, and inquire about the real-time quotations of the stocks you are interested in at any time;

2. Calculate your trading profit and loss in real time to provide decision-making reference for your next transaction;

3. Provide multiple calculation results and comprehensive analysis indicators.

2、 Operation method

1. Enter

From the homepage of Sina Finance, if you are already a Sina member, you can directly enter your membership code and password to register; If you are not a member of Sina, please register as a member before entering.

2. After entering the portfolio home page:

If you are using it for the first time, please click "Create New Portfolio" to enter the "Create New Portfolio" page, and enter your customized portfolio name in the "Portfolio Name" box;

Click the stock market you want to select in the drop-down list box of local stock markets. You can choose the stock markets in Shenzhen, Shanghai, Hong Kong, the United States and Taiwan;

Enter the stock code you have traded or are interested in, and then click "Send" to see your newly established portfolio. If your input is incorrect or you want to cancel your input, please click "Re input".

If you have established a portfolio, you can directly click "Portfolio" to view it after entering the home page.

It should be noted that no more than 8 new portfolios can be established. Each portfolio can add 30 stocks.

3. View and edit your portfolio

After entering the portfolio page, click the drop-down list box on the right of "Select Portfolio", select the name of the portfolio you want to view or edit, and then click "Send". If you want to delete the selected portfolio, please click "Delete";

After entering the portfolio page you want to view or edit, you can see various real-time quotes and indicators in the table. What needs to be noted is that "position number" refers to the number of stocks in position after summarizing all historical transactions (buy and sell) of a stock; "Average buying cost" refers to the weighted average value of all buying transaction prices of a certain stock (note: selling factors are not considered). For example, for the purchase of 0001 stock, the purchase price of 1000 shares for the first time is 10 yuan, and the purchase price of 100 shares for the second time is 12 yuan. After weighted average calculation, the "average buying cost" is 11 yuan; The calculation method of "yield%" is: (current price - average buying cost)/average buying cost * 100%.

If you want to view the complete and detailed real-time market information and indicators of a stock, please click the name of the stock in the table, and a new window will pop up.

If you want to add new stocks to your portfolio, please select and enter them in the "Stock Code" box below the table and the drop-down list box for selecting local stock markets.

4. View transaction record

After entering the portfolio page you want to view or edit, you can click "View Transaction Record" to view each historical transaction under the portfolio.

Click the "Edit" button behind each stock name in the table to modify the transaction record. After entering the "Modify Transaction Record" dialog box, modify and edit as required. Click the "Modify" button to update the transaction record; If you want to delete this record, please click the "Delete" button.

5. Add a new transaction

After entering the portfolio, if you want to add a new transaction record, please click "Add New Transaction", and the "Add New Transaction" dialog box will pop up. After filling in the dialog box as required, click the "Add" button.

6. Exit the portfolio

Click the "Leave Portfolio" button at the top right of the page to return to the home page of Finance and Economics. If you do not click "Leave", you can enter and exit the portfolio freely without logging in until you click "Leave" or the browser closes.

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