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The insurance magic of private enterprise bosses 08:11, September 2, 2005 China Securities Journal

Family introduction: Mr. Guo is 35 years old this year. Ten years ago, he resigned and went to the sea to establish his own logistics company. The company has developed rapidly and now has nearly ten million assets. Mr. Guo became the boss, but he never received a penny of salary in his own company. When he earned money, he put it into the enterprise. When he wanted to spend money, he took it from the company. Mr. Guo thought it was very convenient - anyway, enterprises are all his own, so how to take it is not the same thing.

Recently, Mr. Guo is optimistic about the power market and plans to invest in building a small hydropower station. His money alone is not enough
Loans from banks and financing from others. Although the office house and some vehicles can be mortgaged to the bank, the garden house you live in is still in the mortgage period, and the property certificate is in the hands of the bank, so you can't take out the guarantee. When looking for someone else to borrow money, the collateral is not enough.

The son is about to go to kindergarten. The wife of a housewife wants her children to go to private bilingual kindergarten, and the tuition of more than 100000 yuan has become a problem. Mr. Guo, whose family was entangled with thousands of people, felt exhausted for a while and scratched his head in the face of capital problems.

And one

conduct financial transactions My teacher friend told Mr. Guo that these troubles can be solved at the same time.

Zhao Jing

Insurance planning

It is suggested that Mr. Guo should first insure himself with a high amount of accident insurance and term insurance.

All business operations have risks. In case of an accident, all the assets of the enterprise should be used to pay off. Confusing enterprise assets and family assets like Mr. Guo is tantamount to linking family safety with enterprises, which is very risky.

As the pillar of the family, Mr. Guo bears the unshirkable family responsibility. Only by setting up a higher risk guarantee for himself can he fight in the business without worry. The partnership or sole proprietorship enterprise will assume unlimited liability with personal property, which requires Mr. Guo to retain a piece of "sacred and inviolable" assets - that is, insurance money.

According to international practice, the insurance metal is the property of the beneficiary, not the heritage of the insured. When the insured has debts or taxes in arrears before his or her life, the beneficiary can enjoy the insurance money without having to repay the debts and taxes, which is very different from the inheritance of debts, taxes in arrears and inheritance.

To reduce family risk, it is most appropriate to purchase high amount of accident insurance and term insurance with low premium and high security. Accident insurance will play an important role when encountering accidental injury, while term insurance is to agree with the insurance company a high-risk period as the insurance period. During the insurance period, if the insured dies (some companies also stipulate high disability and total disability), the insurance company will pay insurance benefits.

Secondly, Mr. Guo should purchase a considerable amount of endowment insurance. Mr. Guo's financial arrangements should reflect his responsibility for his wife and children, which requires a long-term plan for family finance and a smooth transfer of property to his family.

Buying endowment insurance can not only receive considerable survival insurance benefits when due, but also obtain high risk protection. The due living allowance can be used as the cost for children to prepare for school, or as the cost for husband and wife to provide for the elderly. The death insurance benefits can not only avoid the risk of debt repayment, but also reasonably avoid taxes. abroad

Estate tax The collection of inheritance tax can be as high as 50% or more, and it may be a matter of time before we collect inheritance tax in China. Since the insurance money is not an inheritance, of course, there is no inheritance tax to pay.

In addition, the cash value of endowment insurance is relatively high. Mr. Guo can request insurance policy pledge from the insurance company when the capital turnover is tight in the short term, and apply for a loan up to 6 months, and can lend again after the repayment is due. Mr. Guo can also deliver the insurance policy to the financing party and partners as loans and cooperative guarantees, which is quite common abroad. The high amount of insurance is the embodiment of value, which can make the financing party and partners more confident about Mr. Guo's enterprise investment.

Finally, serious disease insurance is essential. With such wealth as Mr. Guo, it must be no problem to see a doctor. However, once the cash flow of the enterprise is relatively tight, a large amount of funds should be used for medical treatment, which will certainly affect the normal operation of the enterprise.

Major disease insurance It can be used for a specific purpose, which can effectively solve the problem of seeing a doctor.

At present, many insurance companies in the market have launched "rich people's insurance" and "elite insurance", which are basically insurance plans composed of fixed combination of term life insurance, endowment insurance and major disease insurance. After combination, there are some preferences in insurance rules and premiums, and there are some improvements in value-added services. Mr. Guo may choose to buy them.

Insurance examples

Product name Basic premium payment period Annual premium guarantee period

Excellence and integrity

1000000 yuan 10 years 36900 yuan 70 years old

(40% refund at the age of 70)

Additional serious disease insurance 300000 yuan 10 years 11970 yuan 70 years old

Total 130000048870 yuan

Mr. Guo will return 1 million yuan x 40%=400000 yuan when he is 70 years old.

In the first 10 years, Mr. Guo paid a premium of 48870 yuan every year, and will get 1300000 yuan worth and health insurance.

In the next 25 years, Mr. Guo will continue to have 1300000 yuan worth and health care for free. In this way, the happy life of Mr. Guo's family will be fully guaranteed.

Love Ask (iAsk. com)

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