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Changing the role of guarantor The bank wants to deeply participate in enterprise asset securitization 00:00, July 6, 2006 China Securities Network - Shanghai Securities News

□ Our reporter Li Jianfeng

With the gradual advancement of non credit asset securitization business, banks are expected to transform from a simple guarantor role to an important participant in the project. Recently, people in the banking industry said that they were studying the possibility of cooperation with securities companies to jointly promote asset securitization business in the future.

Asset securitization is an innovative financing tool for enterprises, which has the characteristics of low financing cost, flexible cycle, and optimizing the financial structure of enterprises. In the current non credit asset securitization business, securities companies occupy an absolute dominant position, covering all aspects of project search, establishment, and management, The bank often only participates in the project as the guarantor.

"We are considering working with securities companies to operate non credit assets

negotiable securities Under the existing conditions, the main mode of business integration can be to find mature project resources by banks and recommend them to brokers, who are responsible for the establishment and management of projects, and the final benefits are shared by both parties. ". A bank credit officer said that some of the enterprise customer projects they contacted were more suitable for
Asset securitization
Products, and these customers also have the willingness to finance through asset securitization. By working with securities companies, banks can provide customers with a full range of services, including loans. At the same time, the establishment of asset securitization projects also helps to reduce the credit risk of banks. However, this person also stressed that at present, this is just their idea, and the real implementation may require the approval of the relevant departments.

The secretary of a listed bank said that there are two advantages for banks to cooperate with securities companies in non credit asset securitization projects. On the one hand, we can rely on the talent reserves and experience of securities companies in this business, on the other hand, it is also conducive to the diversification of bank risks.

"The customer resources of banks are incomparable with those of securities companies. The participation of banks in finding asset securitization projects undoubtedly has greater advantages than the independent operation of securities companies. If this idea can be realized in the future, it will play a great role in promoting asset securitization business". Said the head of an innovative securities firm's asset securitization project.

It is understood that with the launch of a number of successful products such as China Merchants Securities Huaneng Lancang River Hydropower Project, Guangfa Securities Guanshen Expressway Project, Guotai Jun'an Pudong Construction BT Project, Orient Securities Far East Leasing Project, asset securitization, a new tool, is being favored by more and more enterprises. After the management further clarified the type of underlying assets and operation process of future asset securitization business, it has become an important task for many securities companies to find more securitized assets with stable cash flow.


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