• The bottom of the pulp has formed? (09-22 00:10)
  • [Comment] Which is a good simulation assessment platform? Strongly recommend Fengyu Investment! (09-21 20:27)
  • Business agency: the fundamentals have improved, PTA prices have stopped falling and stabilized (09-21 17:46)
  • Business agency: the fundamentals have improved, PTA prices have stopped falling and stabilized (09-21 17:19)
  • The 2024 autumn strategy meeting of SDIC Futures will be held soon! (09-21 17:12)
  • The purchase and sale of wheat are not warm and the grain operation is difficult to rise (09-21 17:04)
  • Most of the autumn harvest area from 21 to 24 is sunny, which is conducive to accelerating the progress. It is rainy in the west of southwest China. Pay attention to rain shelter and rush to harvest (09-21 16:32)
  • Central Meteorological Station: Global Weather Bulletin (September 21, 2024) (09-21 16:30)
  • Quotation of monoethylamine (2024-09-21) (09-21 16:00)
  • Quotation of ethylene glycol (2024-09-21) (09-21 14:26)
  • Trends of polyester staple fiber commodity quotation (2024-09-21) (09-21 14:26)
  • Spot at the port: Tianjin Port Coal Terminal single pure Mongolian coal 5500 kcal, low ash and low sulfur (direct loading at the port) (09-21 14:26)
  • [Market Focus] PTA: After the ebb tide (09-21 14:11)
  • Trends of rapeseed meal commodity quotation (2024-09-21) (09-21 14:06)
  • Quotation trends of evaporator scale inhibitor (2024-09-21) (09-21 14:06)
  • Quotation of Maltodextrin (2024-09-21) (09-21 14:06)
  • Quotation trends of sodium octaborate tetrahydrate (2024-09-21) (09-21 14:06)
  • Quotation of trimethyl borate (2024-09-21) (09-21 14:06)
  • N. Commodity quotation trends of N-bis (3-aminopropyl) - ethylenediamine (N4 amine) (2024-09-21) (09-21 14:06)
  • Quotation trends of 12, 14 alkyl dimethyl tertiary amine (2024-09-21) (09-21 14:06)