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The price of means of production rose 2.52% in the first three quarters 05:37, October 18, 2006 China Securities Journal

According to the Market Operation Department of the Ministry of Commerce, in the first three quarters of this year, the price of China's means of production increased by 2.52% over the same period last year. It is expected that the price of means of production will be stable in the fourth quarter.

Statistics show that in the first three quarters, the price of domestic means of production has changed from a continuous rise in the first half of the year to a small decline. The main factor affecting the change is that the price of steel market has changed from rising to falling, which has significantly curbed the rising price. In addition, the price increases of nonferrous metals, refined oil products, chemical raw materials and other products have also decreased to varying degrees.

Experts analyze that the current price of means of production basically reflects the supply and demand of the market, and the price fluctuation is more rational and reasonable. This price trend has played a positive role in guiding the market. Judging from the price trend in recent years, the prices of energy, basic raw materials and other means of production products generally show a trend of gradually rising, high and stable in fluctuations; The prices of nonferrous metals, refined oil and other products that drive the prices to rise have risen to historical highs. The space for continuous rise has narrowed, and it is not ruled out that there may be a decline. (Shangguan Weiguo)

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