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What factors mainly affect the change of warrant price 21:45, August 26, 2005 Guolian An Fund Management Co., Ltd

What are the main factors affecting the change of warrant price?

Answer: As a financial derivative product, the value of warrants is mainly affected by their underlying securities. The following six factors are the main factors affecting the value of warrants: 1. the price of the underlying securities; 2. The fluctuation of the underlying securities; 3. Time from the expiration date of the warrant; 4. Interest rate; 5. Expected dividends of the underlying securities; 6. Exercise price of warrants. (Contributed by Guolian An Fund)

   Related topics: Fund investment warrant

   Small investigation on the Fund's approval to actively invest in share reform warrants

Your opinion on the Fund's approval to actively invest in share reform warrants is:
   Good, will promote the deepening of share reform and the rise of stock index
   The warrant is the circle of securities, and the fund's new treasure hunt begins
   It is difficult to judge the impact on individual shares and the market


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