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Medium and short term bond funds have emerged as strong rivals for stocks and monetary funds 04:22, August 17, 2005 Southeast Morning Post

Recently, the two medium - and short-term debt funds being issued have attracted great attention. One of the medium and short term bond funds is Bosera stable value bond fund, which is also the first medium and short term bond fund in China. The issuance period of the fund is up to August 19. The other is E Fund's monthly income medium and short-term bond fund, which has been issued since August 8.

It is understood that the sales performance of these two funds is impressive, far exceeding that of other funds being issued, especially equity funds. For example, the current sales situation of Yinhua core value fund makes the fund company more or less embarrassed. Data display
It is shown that from August 1 to August 10, only 684200 copies of the fund were sold in China Construction Bank Shanghai, accounting for 2.14% of the total number of tasks. Of the 29 sub branches under the Shanghai Branch of China Construction Bank, 18 did not clinch a deal.

A market person of the fund company first said that

shares The issuance of directional funds is not ideal. He also frankly acknowledged that the overlapping issuance with the medium and short term bond funds at the same time had a certain impact on their new fund issuance, but he said at the same time that he expected that the fund would have a breakthrough in the scale of fundraising in the later period of issuance.

Not only equity funds are affected, but also the strong impact of medium and short-term debt funds is reflected in

Money Market Fund On the one hand, it undoubtedly accelerated the return of money market funds, short debt funds, to cash management tools.

In the past, the funds parked in money market funds were basically divided into two categories according to the length of stay. One category stayed within one month, and the other category stayed within one to three months. The staff of a fund company that issued medium and short term bonds said that they would now recommend that funds with a stay time of 1 to 3 months should consider intervening in medium and short term bond funds properly, and that funds with a stay time of 1 month should still be stationed in money market funds.

The attitude of insurance companies towards money market funds is also changing, and insurance companies have always been regarded by the market as the largest holders of funds. The head of the investment department of an insurance company said that it is a trend for insurance companies to buy medium and short term bond funds, but they will not use new funds to redeem money market funds to subscribe or subscribe for medium and short term bond funds.

He explained that part of the insurance funds were designated to invest in short-term products, while the short - and medium-term debt funds and money market funds with a duration or residual maturity of three years were almost the same for insurance companies whose investment scope was mostly long-term varieties. However, it is expected that the yield of medium and short-term debt funds may be higher than that of money market funds, which is the abandonment of insurance companies

Monetary Fund The reason for choosing medium and short debt funds.

At present, many fund companies are preparing to launch medium and short term debt fund products. Lu Xiaodong, an analyst at Guotai Jun'an Securities Research Institute, said that the risk of medium and short term bond funds is far lower than that of stock oriented funds, and their liquidity is no less than that of money market funds, which is bound to be welcomed by the market in the current environment. (Liu Ying)

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.


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