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Cathay Pacific became the first qualified fund company for file management in the fund industry 10:08, November 24, 2005 China Securities Journal

□ Reporter Xu Guojie reports from Shanghai

Recently, after strict review, Cathay Pacific Fund was approved as the second level unit of Shanghai municipal government archives management, and became the first fund company in the fund industry to achieve the national archives management rating.

As the first standardized fund company in China, Cathay Pacific Fund expressed its deep understanding of the company's file management in China's financial sector
Special significance in the development history and fund industry development history. Since its establishment, the company has strictly followed the relevant regulations and requirements of national archives management, focused on the basic management of archives, established a functional group of archives management in the company, carried out professional archives management training, introduced advanced archives management software, combined with industry norms and standards, and actively explored Innovation fund company's file management method. The standardized file management effectively promoted the stable and standardized operation management of the company, which is of great significance for the future development of the company and the industry.

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.


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