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Fu Dexiu was appointed as the new general manager of Everbright Baodexin after Tang Chen 09:52, November 24, 2005 China Securities Journal

□ Reporter Xu Guojie reports from Shanghai

The Sino US joint venture Everbright Prudential Fund Management Co., Ltd. recently announced that Mr. Fu Dexiu was appointed as the new general manager of Everbright Prudential Fund, replacing Paul Th o m p s on to lead Everbright Prudential Fund.

"The CSRC has approved Mr. Fu Dexiu to be the general manager of Everbright Prudential Trust, which means that we are determined to seek
A senior expert in the Chinese financial sector led the succession plan of the joint venture company to be successfully completed. I would like to thank Mr. Tomson, who is leaving soon, for his contribution to the establishment and subsequent development of the company. " Stephen Pe lte er, chairman and CEO of the International Investment Department of Prudential International Financial Group, said, "Mr. Fu Dexiu will bring valuable experience to the joint venture and profound understanding of China, the Asia Pacific region and the global capital market. Mr. Fu's rich qualifications and in-depth understanding of the needs of Chinese investors make him the best person to lead the business development of the joint venture. "

Before joining Everbright Prudential, Mr. Fu Dexiu was the general manager of AIA Huatai Fund Management Co., Ltd. Prior to that, from 1997 to 2003, he served as UBS UBS Global

Asset management company (UBSBlo b a l A s s e t M a n a g e m e n t) Executive Director, Director of Jinan University in China, and also served as UBS
negotiable securities
Chairman of the Board of Investment Consultants (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.

Sina statement: The content of this article is purely the author's personal view, only for investors' reference, and does not constitute investment advice. Investors operate accordingly at their own risk.


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