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Warrant channel

>> Original interaction
  • The premium of the second new subscription certificate of Shenzhen SFC2 suspended for the second time is extremely high (20080617 04:18)
  • Hou Ning: Please Buy 100 Yuan Nangu to Save China's Stock Market (20080613 11:39)
  • China Southern Airlines JTP1 staged the Armageddon Madness: a strong increase of 160% in a week (20080530 15:09)
  • Han Zhiguo: Warrants cannot be used as meat grinder (20070901 23:54)
  • Is the warrant of Dong'e Ejiao not issued (20070831 11:16)
  • Huang Xiangyuan: Spear and Shield of Warrant Creation (20070814 08:41)
  • Correctly understand the risks and opportunities of warrant market (20070703 05:28)
  • Is excessive establishment of CMB CMP1 reasonable (20070628 09:18)
  • Warrant player (20070608 21:43)
  • In the first week of May, I think the warrant with the greatest opportunity (20070508 21:35)
  • The game of warrant wandering between heaven and hell (20070404 13:03)
  • Who created the warrant, a deceptive tool (20070215 15:59)
  • Who Discloses the Secret of the Huge Rise of WISCO Warrants (20061120 22:00)
  • Chang Jin: Warrant Market Concentrates on Sad and Joyful Life (20061120 14:45)
  • Pi Haizhou: Wuhan Iron and Steel Group will die if you get addicted to put warrants (20061120 10:25)
  • The risk of bungee jumping in the market fluctuation shareholding (20061115 09:37)
  • Liu Zhongming: My power (20061031 04:47)
  • A failure of my speculation of Baotou Steel Warrants (20061004 23:05)
  • Creation and venture capital fly together in China and the world (20060908 15:21)
  • Warrant risks and opportunities are really coming (20060814 19:34)
  • Warrant is a nihilistic game (20060814 19:25)
  • Perspective warrant game (20060803 23:20)
  • Zhu Huacheng: The prescription of Shenzhen Development Share Reform can both see doctors and save lives (20060724 11:53)
  • Put warrant -- garbage suddenly turns into gold (20060724 06:30)
  • Passionate explanation of put warrants (20060720 08:41)
  • Ten reasons for my speculation of warrants (20060720 08:40)
  • Uncover the periodic law of warrants (20060720 08:40)
  • The 11-28 warrant incident is really sad (20060720 08:39)
  • Looking at the future of the market and individual stocks from the accelerated value return of warrants (20060720 08:38)
  • The decline of the market starts with the hot debut of warrants (20060714 16:56)
  • Cemetery of warrant retail investors (20060710 11:03)
  • Looking at the future of the market and individual stocks from the accelerated value return of warrants (20060710 11:02)
  • Why does the Shanghai Stock Exchange not prompt risks before the listing of Maotai Put Securities (20060703 19:25)
  • Notes to Warrants (20060621 16:19)
  • Vanke put (038002): Be alert to becoming waste paper (20060601 18:59)
  • CMB put warrant is about to fly (20060531 20:56)
  • Ten Questions about Warrants (20060531 13:11)
  • A Brief Discussion on the Relationship between Warrants and Large Stock Market and Regular Stock (20060531 10:34)
  • What is Imagination from the First JTB1 (20060531 06:43)
  • 580001. Does SH have great arbitrage opportunities (20060529 14:12)
  • Behind the highly recommended warrants (20060529 13:22)
  • Re talk about warrants and answer netizens' questions (20060526 19:18)
  • G Long term electricity limit essence -- main force wants to use warrant leverage (20060524 19:17)
  • Zhu Huacheng: Who will interpret the next warrant myth (20060522 17:52)
  • Speculation of warrants -- getting rich or losing money (20060521 17:57)
  • On the Value of Put Warrants in the Current Stock Market (20060521 15:25)
  • How to treat the warrant as "die hard" (20060519 14:56)
  • Warrants are the best channel for bid purchase of steel companies (20060518 12:18)
  • From the feast of human body to the gallop of troika to see ten billion virtual wealth (20060511 18:34)
  • Wanhua Put Certificate -- Feel the crazy bull market (20060510 18:58)
  • New Evidence of Put Warrants Inducing Shareholders to Vote (20060509 20:09)
  • Pi Haizhou: Put warrants to be put for new share issuance (20060428 16:40)
  • Leader 777's explanation on put warrants (20060425 12:16)
  • Why retail investors suffer nine losses from the performance of warrants and large cap funds (20060403 17:28)
  • A comparison between virtual bullish and Vanke put warrants falling sharply (20060328 15:16)
  • Twelve year old investors found the opportunity of super low risk profits (20060328 15:15)
  • Seen the hypocrisy of speculators from the exercisable rights of Shanghai Jigu (20060328 15:15)
  • Viewing the Trend of the Market This Week from the Passionate Performance of Warrants (20060313 18:42)
  • Experience of warrant speculation: securities dealers make money and we lose money (20060313 18:36)
  • Review of ten warrants one by one (20060313 18:33)
  • Let me also comment on the Ten Warrants (20060313 18:30)
  • How did a crazy friend fall into the strange circle of speculation in warrants (20060309 13:47)
  • Judging from the abnormal speculation of the dealers from the stage slump of warrants (20060309 13:45)
  • Warrant pricing index and application (20060309 12:22)
  • Calculation method of warrant price (20060309 12:14)
  • Why do friends rush to buy the bill -- also on thin warrants (20060309 11:30)
  • Warrant operation strategy -- beware of the general's reputation splitting (20060309 11:28)
  • Decryption of the Cause of Large Market Dive -- Overload of Warrant Trading Volume (20060309 11:26)
  • It is strongly recommended to pay attention to 580997 CMB warrants at the current price (20060309 11:25)
  • The reason why a brother bought the CMB warrant (20060309 11:24)
  • Thoughts on Warrants and Stocks Falling Together (20060309 11:23)
  • Data List of Ten Warrants -- Negative Bubbles Appear in Continuous Sharp Decline (20060309 11:21)
  • From the strength of Vanke A to see how I went bankrupt from speculation (20060309 11:20)
  • Warrant transaction basis (20060307 12:31)
  • Basic characteristics of warrants (20060303 16:40)
  • Various classifications of warrants (20060301 14:08)
  • Basic knowledge of warrant (20060227 23:57)

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